What could go wrong?

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(A/N: Hello! Just here to tell you this will have two parts, this is part one and the next chapter is part two. Okay, hope you enjoy!)

Ruby's P.O.V

"Ugh~" complained Nora, we were in the basement with Neptune and we were all in a gloomy mood since we only had 3 more days of winter break vacations then it was off to school again "What should we do, we can't just waste our last vacation days moping around," said Jaune "Yeah let's do something" said Phyrra "Hey! I've got an Idea!" I said "Oscar! Weiss! Do you remember that trip we went on our sophomore year?" I asked "Oh!-Yeah! How could I forget?" asked Oscar "Yeah, What about it?" asked Weiss"Well, it gave me an idea let's go on a road trip!" I yelled everybody looked at each other "Sure!"

"Yay! Let's pack we're leaving in 20!" I said we all got up and started running up the stairs "Wait.......Where are we going?" asked Jaune "No idea!" I yelled. I went upstairs with Nora, Weiss, and Phyrra and we started packing "Phyrra what are you doing?" asked Nora I dropped my hairbrush in my bag and turned, Phyrra was on her phone

"Oh! Well you see remember that time we went camping with Jaune and Ren?" she asked "Yep, why?" asked Nora "Well I'm trying to find the location of the camping site on my phone maybe we can go camping there?" I looked at Weiss we've had our own 'Camping Trip' experiences "Sounds great!" chirped Nora then she stuck her head out the door "GUYS! WE"RE GOING CAMPING!"

"Nora! They're across the hall" chided Weiss "Yes but I want Neptune to know too" answered Nora, Neptune had gone home next door to pack "Nora I know you're loud but Neptune lives-" I started then a voice was heard from far, muffled, but definitely Neptune's "Okay!~"

"-apparently close enough to hear you" I finished. 20 minutes later we were all loading our stuff into the backseat of Jaunes white truck. We decided 2 people will take turns on driving pilot and co-pilot while the rest enjoyed some fresh air 

"Wait, you play the guitar too?" asked Jaune watching Oscar load his guitar "Um yes-" I cut him off "Yeah! He's really good, we used to have a band In high school" Weiss turned her head "It wasn't a band crater face we just liked to sing together that's it" she explained, "You can sing too?" Jaune asked "Yep Weiss's an expert and me and Oscar aren't half-bad," said Ruby

"C' mon everyone in," said Ren, he and Nora we're up first "Where's Neptune?" asked Weiss "I don't know, we did tell him to be back in 20 minutes," said Phyrra just then my phone rang 

Neptune: Hey ruby! I'm not done packing but if you send me the coordinates I'll meet you on the way!

"What?" questioned Oscar "I know," I said, "Since when does Neptune know what coordinates are?"

"What?-No I meant what does he mean by 'I'll meet you on the way' doesn't he know we're going by car" Oscar explained "I'll ask him" I said

Ruby: Um.....Neptune, we're going by car

Neptune: I know, so you sending me the coordinates or do I have to guess?

Ruby: Um-sure here

I sent him the Gps Phyrra gave me

Ruby: There! But Neptune seriously how are you going to 'Meet us on the way'?

Neptune: Just trust me, Cya!

And with that, he went offline "O-okay well I guess let's go?" I said and we hit the road "Oh and Ren, Nora?" said Jaune "Yes?" they asked "No funny business!" we laughed remembering the last time we left them alone and jumped in they got in the car blushing red. We drove for 30 minutes and were already on the highway most of us thought Neptune wasn't coming but Weiss still hoped

"Well he said we could trust him, yeah he's coming," said Weiss but it looked like she was trying to convince herself. I laid my head on Oscar's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me, this was going to be a long trip.

It seemed like just minutes when I woke up to a scream "Hey guys!!!" wait. Neptune? I opened my eyes and saw a red car with Sun, Sage, Scarlet, and Neptune in it "Neptune!" yelled Weiss "I said I'd make it!" then he started to stand up "What are you doing?!" Oscar asked, "Getting into your car, Jaune get my bag!"

"-What! Neptune, I can't catch!-"started Jaune but got hit on the face with a blue backpack "Neptune What are you doing!?" I asked "Going to jump!" he said putting his right foot on the car door and crouching down "I don't think that's safe," said Phyrra

"Of course it isn't!" he yelled and jumped "Ugh~" complained Jaune getting the backpack out of his face "Incoming!" Jaune looked up and got hit by Neptune this time "Oh gods!" yelled Weiss "-Neptune are you okay?" she asked "Always" he said and winked at her "I'm fine too if you're wondering~" groaned Jaune Phyrra helped him up and I rolled my eyes 

"Well! Have fun!" Yelled sun and they changed lanes "Oh!, and Weiss I found this at your door before we left," said Neptune handing her a letter "Weiss opened it and screamed, "What's wrong!?" I asked "Is everything okay?" asked Phyrra "Snowangel?" questioned Jaune "My extra grades are coming!" she said with a smile "Your what?" I asked "My extra grades I do so much extra credit the teachers are actually giving me extra separate grades for it," she said

"Of course," said Oscar facepalming "Wow Weiss that's impressing" admired Phyrra "anyways it says-" continued Weiss while reading "-that I'm getting-MY GRADES ONLINE AND I HAVE TO ANSWER IMMEDIATELY!" she screamed "Oh well we have a problem there's no signal or wifi were we're going" said Phyrra then Weiss started panicking

"Oh, my gods! What if they send it to me and I don't answer!? What if they take points away for not answering for two days!? How will I explain to myself!? They sounded very serious about answering immediately!?" 

"Weiss! Calm down~" but it was no use this went on for two hours until we ran to our next problem "Ugh~" said Phyrra she had her head laid on Jaunes lap because she was feeling car sick "Guys~ I don't think this is car sickness," she said "What?" I asked "what do you mean?" asked Weiss "Guys I think she's getting a fever," said Jaune putting a hand on her forehead "Great" mumbled Neptune.

20 minutes later: Next problem. The car stopped "Huh, Ren and Nora still have 30 minutes left" said, Oscar then screaming "Guys! Help me!" it was Ren we got off right away and found Nora shaking Ren unccontrolably, "I tell you I left them we need to go back!" she screamed "Nora stop shaking Ren," said Jaune and separated them ren thanked him "Wait where's Phyrra?" he asked "In the back resting she got a fever and it's getting worse I think she's hallucinating now" said Jaune "Yo~Hoooo!" Called Phyrra from the back "Mr. Cuddly flops! Come back!" we turned and saw that Phyrra was at the edge of the truck upside down

"Mr. Cuddly flops?" I asked "Her teddy bear," said Jaune "Phyrra! Not a time for childhood memories! I have a real problem!" Screamed Nora "What's wrong?" asked Neptune "I left my candy stash at home!" she exclaimed "Seriously?" asked Weiss "Guy's she's driving me crazy please can someone else drive?" asked Ren "Fine" said Oscar "Me and Neptune can drive for the rest of the way"

"Yeah, Why not?" said Neptune "I'll be with Phyrra meditating," said Ren "Good luck," said Jaune "Same," said Oscar and went inside.

The next 15 minutes were.........interesting Jaune kept trying to explain to a delusional Phyrra he wasn't 'Mr. Cuddly flops', Weiss was nervously checking her phone every 2 minutes and tapping her feet, Nora was starting to shake for the lack of candy, and Ren kept trying to meditate but a Qrow decided to join us and started squawking every time he concentrated.

I thought it couldn't get worse but then, we crashed. Out of nowhere I just heard a "Neptune the wheel!" then the car went sideways and crashed into a tree.

(A/N: Hello! Sorry for not updating for a while I'm working on a new book! It's a prequel about Oscar, ruby, and Weiss's high school years before they entered Beacon It's going to be great! I hope you read it)

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