Pots and Pans

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Weiss's P.O.V

After dinner, we each went to our rooms Ruby and Nora claimed the top bunk beds so, me and Phyrra slept in the bottom ones. We had to get our sleep since tomorrow was the first day of school. Here's a thing just like any other teenager I hate waking up I know Ruby does too that's why my alarm is the sound of calm waves in the sea so you can imagine my confusion when I woke up to the sound of loud clanking metal.

I opened my eyes and saw Nora banging a pot and a pan together "Waaaake uuuup Snow-white!" she said I turned my head to the side and screeched Phyrra's face was two inches from mine "Good morning hope you slept well" she said I looked around and remembered where I was "ugghh" I groaned and sat up, Nora was still banging her kitchen utensils, Phyrra was still smiling down at me and Ruby was at the other side of the room already dressed. Wait already dressed! I looked and Phyrra and Nora were dressed too "What time is it?" I asked "It's already 7:40 sleepyhead" Replied Ruby.

I bolted straight out of bed "WHAT! SCHOOL STARTS IN 30 MIN! and it takes 10 minutes to get there!" I ran straight towards the closet as Phyrra said "We thought we should let you sleep in a bit, you looked very tired and Nora please stop banging those things" Nora stopped and headed for the door "Well I'm going to go see what Ren made for breakfast"   "Yum! Me too" said Ruby and followed her "I'll wait for Weiss" said Phyrra, I thanked her and put on a short-sleeved white button-up shirt with a blue tie and dark skirt "Okay ready" we got our bags and went downstairs as we went down the stairs we heard shouting from the kitchen "Nora! You had the pots and pans! I thought we didn't have any I had to cook breakfast with a plate!" Phyrra and I looked at each other and laughed.

We entered the kitchen followed by Oscar and Jaune, Oscar then kissed Ruby good morning. Awww those two were so cute but I must admit I was getting a bit tired of being the third wheel. We were eating Breakfast on the table with 5 minutes left on the clock when the doorbell rang we looked at each other confused "Were you four expecting anyone?" asked Ruby to Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Phyrra "No I don't know who it could be" replied Jaune with a mouth full of bacon. I got up and opened the door standing there was a boy he looked my age with blue hair and eyes "Hello I'm Neptune I heard you just moved here so I wanted to meet my new neighbors" he said.

"Uh-Yeah come in," I said "Hi everyone" greeted Neptune

"HELLO!!!" waved Nora

"Hi Nice meeting you," said Phyrra

"Hello" greeted Ren

"He-Ro," said Jaune with Bacon still in his mouth

"Hi," said Oscar

"Oh Neptune Hello!" said Ruby "Oh, Hi Ruby didn't know you were staying here" replied Neptune "Wait you know him!" I said a bit too loudly "I mean, How so?" real smooth Weiss I thought "Oh I met him only once before his best friend Sun is friends with my sister and Blake" said Ruby "Yeah Sun's here too we live in the house next door with Sage and Scarlet I just came by to tell you guys newcomers have to be at Beacon 10 minutes early for orientation" said Neptune "Oh alright would you like to come with us?" I said hopefully "Oh sorry but I'm not a newcomer this is my second year here" he replied "But don't worry I'll make sure to come and visit," he said and walked away "Wait a second," said Oscar "Did he say we needed to be at the school 10 minutes earlier?" Ruby checked her watch "OH NO! WE"RE ALREADY LATE!" 

We all looked at each other for a solid second and then chaos exploded everyone went to get their bags while Nora gulped down the last of her breakfast and I ran to get the car started in less than a minute we were on the road and I was pushing the gas pedal as hard as I could "Ugh I shouldn't have eaten so much" said Jaune as I did a sharp turn "Oh no vomit boy keep it in you" laughed Nora "Seriously that's going to be my nickname from now on 'Vomit boy'" he complained "Oh Cheer up Jaune it's not as bad as Crater face and Farmboy" I teased "Hey!" protested Oscar and Ruby "Farmboy and Crater face?" asked Phyrra while Nora laughed her butt out "Yeah you see on our first day of high school I was walking around the school and bumped into Weiss who had a chemistry project with her long-story-short the project exploded and now our high school has a little crater at the entrance" explained Ruby "And in our second year I took part in a play and had to dress as a Farmboy but the costume was too little so I looked ridiculous" said Oscar.

This just made Jaune and Nora laugh harder "Hey at least it's not as bad as 'Ice queen'!" said Ruby. Crap. "Ruby! Shut it, you dolt!" I said "Woah langue 'Ice queen'" teased Nora "Okay Fine so I'm Farmboy, Ruby's Crater face, Jaune's Vomit boy and Weiss's Ice queen any others?" asked Oscar "Well Jaune and Nora did give Phyrra the nickname 'Invincible girl' due to the fact she has never lost a karate match" replied Ren "I'm not Invincible!" said Phyrra with a bit of a blush on her face "Oh c' mon Phyrra you-" Jaune was cut short by me hitting the brakes "We're here out! out! C' mon!" I hurried.

We hurried down the halls they were beautiful the Architecture of the place was fantastic! But we didn't have time to sightsee "Um Excuse me-" asked Ren at the directory "-WHERE'S ORIENTATION!?" finished Nora jumping in front of him "In...Your homerooms" said the lady "If you could please tell me your last names I could give you your schedules"

"VALKYRIE and Proud!" said Nora

"Lie Ren," said Ren

"Arc, Jaune Arc," said Jaune

"Nikos," said Phyrra

"Pine," said Oscar

"Ruby Rose, although I might be registered under the name Xiao long," said Ruby

"Schnee," I said in a small voice

"Okay kids here are your schedules," said the lady handing us 7 papers.

Weiss Schnee: Schedule

First period: English class/Professor Port

Second Period: History/Professor Oobleck

Third Period: AP Math/ Miss Goodwitch

Fourth Period: Physics/Professor Lionheart

Fifth Period: Biologie/Professor Ironwood

"Well C' mon," Said Jaune and we all ran to Professor Port's class I opened the door and we all tumbled in "And then I- Oh well it's nice for you to join us" said a man with a big mustache I assumed was Professor Port "Yes we're sorry" we all apologized and sat down. After Orientation, the rest of the day was just a get-to-know, my students day. After school, Nora had disappeared and Ruby, Oscar, Jaune, and Ren decided to go grab a bite at a burger place I denied saying I wasn't a fast food person and went home with Phyrra who wasn't hungry we just cleaned up the place and started organizing since we didn't have any homework.

A/N: Hey! So just wanted to make it clear that I've never been to college (If you read this chapter it's probably obvious to you) so I really don't know how it works if they have scheduled (Probably not) or even Orientation (I doubt it) so in advanced excuse my horrible writing.

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