The beat up

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(A/N: Hello! Yes, I'm not dead I've been having writer's block lately and only have a few ideas left so the next two chapters might be the last of this story. My other story "Forever and Three More Years" is still being written don't worry I have big plans for that one! Anyways major fluff and minor violence in this chapter, Hope you enjoy!)

Oscar's P.O.V

"Dude no way!" exclaimed Neptune "You bet," said Jaune. Ren, Jaune, Neptune, and I were walking home telling stories about each other when I suddenly stopped.

"Oscar everything alright?" asked Neptune "No way-" I said widening my eyes looking at the road up ahead "What's wrong?" asked Ren this time "You see those guys," I said pointing at a group of guys up ahead "Yeah why?" questioned Jaune "The one in the middle is Cardin Winchester" I said "You know him?" asked Neptune "Yeah-" I started "We kinda trashed his girlfriends place back in high school" I laughed "We?" asked Ren "Ruby, Weiss, and I, well mostly Weiss."

"Wait a second, I recognize him," said Jaune. I raised an eyebrow "Really? From where?" Jaune looked at me "From Mr. Oobleck's class" my jaw dropped "NO way! He goes to Beacon!" I exclaimed "I think so," said Ren.

"Want to tell him 'Hi'?" asked Neptune "No. He wasn't exactly a 'Friend' If you know what I mean" the boys nodded and we went along. We weren't planning to stop by Cardin but Jaune had other plans when he overheard them talking.

"Yeah, that know-it-all from Phyrra Nikos thinks she can just show me off in class. I don't even see why the teacher was impressed she is the dumbest girl I've ever met and a complete show-off" Jaune stopped dead on his tracks and faced Cardin. 

"Hey! What gives you the right to talk like that about my friend!" he demanded. Cardin and his goons looked up at him confused while I, Neptune, and Ren went over next to Jaune "Cardin" I greeted he averted his eyes from Jaune to have a look at me "Uh...Who are you?" I smirked "The Loser" it took him some seconds but then his face light up with surprise "Wait-" he said confused "-Oscar?" I laughed "Yeah, I changed a bit didn't I?" which was true I had gotten stronger and differently way taller since the last time we met.

"Oi, It's that kid from Signal high," said goon number one "Yeah I remember" whispered good number two. Jaune interrupted our little reunion by barking angrily at Cardin again "Hello! I asked what gives you the right to talk about Phyrra like that!" Cardin looked at him uninterested again "Why do you care?" he asked "Because she's my-" Jaune got cut off by one of Cardin's goon's "-She's his girlfriend!" they teased. 

I could see Jaune fuming with anger at this point. I didn't blame him I knew from experience that Cardin and his 'Friends' could really get on your nerves with just a few sentences.

"She's not my girlfriend," said Jaune between gritted teeth as he took a step closer to Cardin "Really?" he asked and took one step closer to Jaune "Jaune Chill out," said Neptune "Yeah we should probably go," suggested Ren "Listen to you friends Jonny-boy you don't want to get hurt" taunted Cardin "Like your friend Phyrra and that nasty bruise in her arm" continued Cardin.

My eyes widened "She said she had gotten it in Karate practice, how did you know she had it?" I asked. Jaune who was shaking with anger stopped his eyes were wide as he pushed Cardin hard.

"He knows because he gave it to her!" screamed Jaune putting the pieces together. Cardin quickly got up, the pushing soon became wrestling and in no time a fight had broken out. "Jaune!" I shouted trying to pry him off Cardin so he wouldn't get hurt. Cardin's goons came too but in a difference of me they started to help Cardin with Jaune "Oi!" screamed Neptune as he pushed Cardin's two friends off Jaune and started fighting them himself while Ren and I were still trying to separate Jaune from Cardin.

Ruby's P.O.V

"Where are they?" asked Phyrra "They're boys it's normal for them to be late," assured Weiss "I don't know Weiss, Ren did say he and the boys would be back at eight" I looked at my watch "That was an hour ago" Nora groaned "Ugh~ So we're not having movie night?" she asked from the couch. I started pacing while looking at my screen "Ruby calm down I'm sure they're fine" said Phyrra.

"I don't know, Oscar always answeres my calls," I said worriedly "It's true" agreed on Weiss "Um...Weiss that's not of much help" said Phyrra politely "Yeah, Ice queen we're trying to convince Ruby that the guys are fine and prevent her from thinking that they got into a horrible accident due to Neptune's bad driving" said Nora which only made me pace faster. I could hear either Weiss or Phyrra face-palming when suddenly I heard the door open.

"About time!" shouted Nora we went up the stairs as Weiss exclaimed "Where were-" we stopped dead in our tracks as we took a proper look at the boys. Ren had several visible bruises in his arms, Oscar, like Ren, also had bruises in his arms but was also slightly limping a red gash across his cheek.

Jaune and Neptune were worse though, Jaune's nose was bleeding as he had broken it, his left eye had a big bruise and he had some cuts and bruises along his arms, Neptune looked exactly the same except that his nose looked fine.

The girls and I gasped when we exploded with questions "What happened!?" I exclaimed "Are you okay!?" shouted Nora "Of course they aren't okay!" screeched Weiss while getting the first aid kit. We guided them to four chairs and sat them down "Explain" I demanded to Oscar, he sighed and looked up at me "Jaune got in a fight with some kids Neptune joined in and Ren and I tried to take them apart but as you can see we got a little hurt in the process" I widened my eyes "A LITTLE" Oscar gave me a lopsided smile and chuckled "What?" I asked "You look cute when you're mad," he said and I felt myself blush a bit 'Ugh~ this boy' I thought.

"Ugh~" groaned Weiss from behind "I would smack you upside the head if you weren't already hurt," she told Neptune. He laughed "Glad to see you still care for me snow angel," he said "Wait, guys, I don't get something though," said Nora "Why did you get in a fight with those boys Jaune?" we all looked over to Jaune and Phyrra who was standing next to him, she hadn't said anything since the boys came she only looked at Jaune with a mix of worry and guilt "It was Cardin wasn't it?" she asked. 

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and so did Weiss "Cardin? As in-" I looked down at Oscar and his face told me the answer. Yes. Jaune looked at Phyrra worriedly "Why didn't you tell us he had hurt you?" he asked slowly holding her forearm where she had a nasty bruise "I didn't want you to get into trouble because of it but I see it was no use" she answered as Neptune spoke up " We overheard them talking about you" he explained.

"Phyrra I'm your friend if anything like this happens again please tell me," said Jaune "Well we better patch you guys up while these two sort things out," said Nora pointing at Phyrra and Jaune. We all nodded, Weiss and Nora took the first aid kit and guided Neptune and Ren to the basement while I helped Oscar up "You know I can walk" he said "Yeah right" I answered back.

A few minutes later we all went up the stairs to see if Jaune and Phyrra had resolved things and we got our answer when we saw them kissing. I put one finger to my lips to indicate silence but it was no use once Nora screamed "FINALLY!" Phyrra and Jaune jumped apart and blushed "Well you certainly took your time," said Ren.

We spent the rest of the night watching Avenger movies while I cleaned Oscar's cuts, Nora put Ice in Ren's bruises, Weiss attended Neptune's eye, and Phyrra helped Jaune with his broken nose. It was nice and not-so-nice at the same time but we enjoyed it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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