Chapter five - When taken to boba

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"So do you guys need he help?" 'Ca', Trip, Tripper, Trippy, or whatever his name is says.

I laugh at his outfit. "I don't think we need a person looking like you helping us." I state, gesturing to his once clean white shirt spotted blue.

He raises his hands in surrender. "Well not my fault some crazy lady decided to squirt blue food coloring all over me."

I give him a sweet smile. "Oh my, what did you do for a poor lady to do that to you?"

He grins, mocking me in a high pitched voice. "Oh sorry. Don't call me short or I'm gonna come after you.

Kalvin joins in. "Oh no! You called me short? That's too bad. Lemme tape you up."

"First of all, my voice is not that high. Second, you guys do realize that I know I'm short?" I roll my eyes.

"Sheesh. Now we know why dynamite comes in small packages." Kalvin speaks up, still squirming in the bondage of tape. Tripper- or whoever he is - laughs at this.

I roll my eyes again. "That doesn't even make any sense. Also, do you remember when I asked for your answer?

"Wha?-" They both start.

"Yeah. Me neither." I shrug my shoulders.

Kalvin looks down, trying not to giggle, I suspect whatever his name is to be doing the same thing again. "My, Cath. When did you ever get so mean?"

"Since you became a bully."

"Hey that's not nice."

"Neither are you, or the fact you call people short."

"Yeah but neither is wrapping people in tape because of something they said."

"You know what they say, Kal. Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will always hurt more." I say.

Tripper gives me a pointed look. "I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes."

I glare at him. "Yeah and since when did you become so smart? Since when was it a smart idea to remind people that they're short when they already know that they're short? And since when was it a good idea to agree with him?" I point at a still trapped Kalvin.


Trip gives him a sympathetic look. "Calm your horses lady." he looks at me.

I can't refrain myself. "Sorry, my horses are in the back." I giggle, covering my mouth with my light blue hoodie.

"What?" He says, confused.

"Uh, uh never mind. The point is, I'm not calming down until you say sorry!" I huff, going back to my 'serious' mode.

He looks at Kalvin then looks at me. "I think I know what'll help her."

I don't know how or why Kalvin understands him by that, but he smirks and nods, looking at me. "I think that's a great idea."


I squirm in my seat, struggling to get the blindfold off. "GET IT OFF YOU DUMB BUTTS!" I scream from the middle section of the car- I think.

"No can do honey. We got someplace to take you." Trip says, and I hear what sounds like a high five between the two.

I wail. "Kalvinnn. How could you do this to me? How could you betray me for him. You barely even know him!"

He laughs. "Actually, I do know him. He came with us on that summer trip we took- Me, Estelle, Hunter, and then him and his brother. You know? The one where you were busy with you dad and aunts and uncles having a reunion or something? Somewhere in Italy or whatever."

I slink lower in the seat, remembering how excluded I felt, hearing all of their adventures when school started again after the summer. "I remember." I mumble. "But you guys never told me about this dude."

"Yes we did."

"No you didn't"

Trip just laughs, enjoying our little banter. "Come on. How could he not talk about a hot guy like me?" He breaks in.

I scoff. "Hot my butt."

"Sorry hun. We don't have butt heaters in my car."

"Just shut it already!" I yell.

I hear Kalvin lean his chair back. "Cath. I'm pretty sure you were too busy ogling over Peter that you failed to notice what we even were talking about. Specifically the parts about this one over here."

I assume he's pointing over at Tripper or whatever his name is. "Just let me go home already, or let us please get back because we have a lot of work to do with the decorations! " I whine.

"Oh trust me. This one's better than home." he states.

We drive for about a few minutes more, until finally, the car stops- I think, again. "Are we there yet?" I complain.

"Stop whining like a child." I get out of the car with a grunt, Kalvin leading me out. "Where are we?"

"Shh." Trip shushes me.

"Oh-Kay." I whisper-yell.

Kalvin takes the makeshift blindfold off my face. "Tada! The only thing that will forever make you happy!"

"YOU GUYS BROUGHT ME TO BOBA?!?!" I shriek, running into the store. Unfortunately, the line is somewhat longer today, but that doesn't bring me down. I look outside, seeing Kal and Ca-lifornia or whoever he is walk slowly to the door. They're such slowpokes. I think. "H U R R Y" I mouth to them. They laugh simultaneously. The entrance bell rings as the step inside. "Oh my gosh guys I can't believe you guys brought me to boba I just love you guys so much and-"

Trip brings a finger to my lips. "You talk to much Patel."

I furrow my brows. "How do you know my last name?"

He chuckles. "Just order already."

When I finally get my boba, I hurriedly go to my seat, eager to drink. "Mmm." I savor it.

Trip gives me an amused look. "Can't believe it took boba for you to forgive us."

I roll my eyes. "How'd you know I like boba anyways?"

"Well... You see, after Lucas came home yesterday, saying he had the- and I quote - "Best day ever because I had this thing called boba", I hit my boy Kalvin up and he told me all about it."

"So what, you guys are best friends now?" I ask.

"Yup." Kalvin beams.

I frown. "Oh come on Kal. I though you loved me."

He shrugs and I punch his shoulder. "You're right. I did love you. Past tense Cath, past tense."

I scrunch my face up and turn away from them. "I hate boys. Especially you guys."

"Love you too."


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