Chapter six - When rushed

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The party is in ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. I rush around the room, fixing last minute things, smacking a cupcake from Kalvin'a greedy hands, sprinkling more sugar onto the cupcake because Estelle loves sugar, eating- I mean tasting -one, smacking another from Kalvin's hands, yelling at Kalvin, feeling sorry for his puppy face, yelling at him again... and the list goes on.

I fumble around with the desserts, arranging and rearranging them again and again when I remember something. "KALVIN!" I screech, making home whip his head around fast.

"What? I didn't do anything this time did I? I'm sorry for stealing a cupcake I-"

"NO!" I yell. "Wait you stole a cupcake?"

"No... "

I roll my eyes. "Okay well that's besides the point. Of all the things I could've forgotten, I forgot her present! Her dumb present!" I panic, looking over at my watch again, then at Kalvin. "I have only seven minutes and you're gonna stay here. YOU WILL NOT OPEN THE DOOR TO ANYONE UNLESS THEY SAY 'BOBA', OKAY? Got it?"

He nods, backing away. "Yes ma'am" He says, giving me a mock salute.

I wave before running out the door, settling into Kal's car and speed driving over to my house, which isn't too far- thankfully. "Dad!" I call out.

"Yes?" I hear him from the kitchen.

"Are you coming to Estelle's birthday party?" I say loud, so he can hear me as I run up the stairs.

I hear something drop. "Oops! I'll try to get out of work early." He yells back.

"Okay!" I speed down the steps, grabbing my blue hoodie as I go. "Bye daddy!" I wave before I exit, running to the car. I check my phone. Three minutes. I rush, getting to the party area with one minute left. "BOBA!" I crash against the door. Kalvin opens the door in a rush.

"Hurry!" He whisper-yells.

I run inside, noticing that something is missing. "Kal... " I start. He grins sheepishly at me, then I notice the slight blue stain at the corner of his lips. I shake my head. "Did you by any chance, eat one of the delicious cupcakes that I counted specifically for each plate?" I ask innocently.

He shrugs, scratching the back of his head. "Huh? You counted them? Oh no... " He trails off.

I facepalm. "Your corner lip is dyed blue."


I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Just go wash it off now. I hear the bell ring and I open it. "Hello?"

Lucas stands there, hands in his pockets. "Hey." He says, flashing a bright smile. I smile back. "Heard my cousin's birthday is here."

I laugh. "Mhm. Come on in. And please, watch out for Kalvin. And DON'T eat any of the cupcakes until Estelle is here. Got it?" I tell him.

"Alright ma'am." He chuckles. I gesture towards the inside, and he goes over to where Kal is sitting with white paper towels stained blue.

Soon, other guests file in, taking their blue wrapped presents to the gift table. Almost every person who comes into the room is wearing some type of blue- which I'm surprised they followed the instructions. I smirk to myself. "Okay everyone, find a hiding place. Estelle's coming soon!" I yell. Everyone scrambles. I take note of the guests here. Lucas, obviously, Tripper, some people who know Estelle from school, a few more distant relatives of hers... Her soon to be boyfriend I hope- Kalvin. I nod, satisfied, taking my place in the middle on the room.

The door creaks open slowly. "Hello?" I hear Hunter's voice- she was the one who was going to bring Estelle.

"Hunter why are we her-"



The party has been in full swing for about thirty minutes now, and I'm starting to get tired of introducing myself to Estelle's many relatives- even though I'm the one who actually invited them. "Oh yes. So nice to see you. I've got to go now." I force a smile for the girl in front of me. What was her name again? Ashley? Abby? Abigail? I shrug the thought away before I wave to her, stepping closer to the drinks table.

I sigh. It's only been awhile, and the punch table is already not looking so- decent. All my hard work destroyed. "You enjoying the party Cath?" I turn around.

"Oh hey Trip." I shrug. "Not really. It took forever to put all this together. It's just kinda sad to see all my hard work completely messed up."

He laughs at me. "Don't worry, it was bound to happen anyways."

I put a hand over my heart, feigning hurt. "Ouch."

He chuckles. "Dance with me?" He asks, putting his hand out.

I smile. "Sure." He leads me to the middle of the room, where Kalvin and I created a "dance floor". The song Perfect by Ed Sheeran starts to play. "Will I ever get to know your name?"

"I don't know, Catherine." He stares at me. I stare back, entranced with his light brown eyes.

My eyes widen. "How do you know?" He smirks at me and places my hands on his shoulders, then places his hands on my hips. I shiver at the touch.

"I have my sources."

I give him a glare. "That's not fair. How come I don't get to know your name?" I question.

He gives me a look. "I'll tell you my name then."

I perk up. "Really?" He laughs at me- again. "Stop laughing at me!" I say. We continue to sway to the music.

"I'll tell you on one important condition." He says.

"Go on..." I tell him.

"On the condition that you-"

"Just tell me already!" I interrupt.

He gives me a look. "I was getting to that! Let me finish."

"Then go!"

"I will!" He says again. I frown at him.

"I know we've only known each other for like, two days." He chuckles lightly. "But, Catherine Patel, I really want to get to know you more. So... will you go on a date with me? Or like, a hang out?" He whispers nervously, pulling me close as the songs comes to its end.

You look perfect tonight.


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