Chapter ten - When food heals

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After a good ten minutes of searching, I finally find my friend, asleep on the side of her grandmother's hospital bed. "Lyka." I whisper. I feel utterly terrible for her as I come closer to her bedside. I know she loves her grandmother more than anything else. She's the only family she has left- besides her little sister.

Her head jerks up. "Doctor?" She blinks.

I go closer to her, embracing her in a hug. She starts to cry into my shirt, but I don't care that it's my favorite shirt. "Oh Lyka." I pull her closer. "How is she doing?" I ask slowly, gesturing to her grandmother.

She pulls away from me and wipes her eyes. "She f-fell down the s-stairs. I happened so fast, Cat. I didn't know w-what to d-do." She bursts into tears again.

I furrow my brows. "I'm so sorry Lyka." I pause. "Has she woken up yet?"

She nods, before going to her grandmother's side. "Thanks so much for coming."

"Of course. That's what friends are for." I smile. "Do you want me to get you anything? Like food or something?"

She perks up a bit. "Did you say food?"

I laugh. "Yep. What do you want me to pick up for you?"

She gives a light chuckle. "Panda maybe?"

"Oh wow. How'd I guess?"

"I dunno. Maybe because it's my favorite?"

"Anything else?"

She shakes her head. "Thanks so much again." She says.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" I question, just to make sure.

She nods again. "I'll be fine." She looks over at her grandmother's sleeping figure. "I don't want to leave her."

"Of course." I wave before going out to my car to get my friend some food.

As I pull up to the car order line, my phone rings, causing my to jump a little in my seat. Not wanting to be that one teenager who obnoxiously uses their phone in the car, I answer the call and put it on my car speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey Cathy!" Estelle's voice rings through the speaker.

"What's up?" I say. I can faintly hear Hunter's voice in the background of the call. Estelle must be in her cousin's house, then.

She yells something to Hunter before answering me. "You wanna come hangout at Hunter's place? We're kinda bored and we have really exciting news to tell you!"

"Well I-" 

"Please?" She pleads. "I promise it's a good kind of news."

I'm almost at the order area, so I answer quick. "I'll try to come over, but I can't guarantee anything. I have to go order some food now. Talk to you later, El."

"Fineee." She mutters. "See you maybe."

She hangs up and then it's finally my turn, where I order some orange chicken for Lyka and myself. When I'm done, I pick up the food before driving back to Lyka to give her the food and to ask if it's okay if I go over to Hunter's house.

"I'm back." I peek through the door. She's on the couch with a magazine, but looks up when she hears my voice.

She smiles. "Food?"

"Not real food. Just me. But that kinda counts, cause I'm a real snackkkk." I joke around, throwing a wink.

She laughs. "Just gimme my food already. I'm starving."

I hand over the bag. "Of course you are. Hey, I was wondering, is it okay that I head over to Hunter's for a bit? Estelle and them said that they had something important to tell me, but I don't want to leave you if you don't want me to."

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