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y/n met with fred and george just outside the clock tower, the cluster of third years and above being lead towards hogmeade with some balls of snow chucked aiming for their backs from fred and george, they were mostly aimed at ron and hermione, the ginger boys competing as y/n sat howling with laughter, knee slapping meanwhle hermione ripped ron attention from his brothers.

they were out in the layered snow, constructing spheres of snow, piling them up collectivly and later removing y/n's scarf to wrap around he snowmans neck, his face naked, not a smile or eye was sighted just yet. george turned to his right where the frozen over fountain stood, spotting footsteps form into the white sheet, without a body visible to mark them. 

"Oi, do you two lovebirds fancy a drink?" George suggested, jerking his head ttowards the imprints of steps. y/n quickly knew that it was harry hidden under his dads invisiblity cloak and watched the weasley twins grinned to ech other and before she knew it they had already pounced at the boy locking theit arms with his, his body still invisible.

"Guys get off of me!" Harry barked from the twins grip, y/n saw his feet drag in parallel rows.

"Clever Harry," George started, y/n stood opposite Harry with her arms crossed, smirking at the boy.

"But not clever enough," Fred added and they continued to drag him along the snow.

"Guys I'm trying to get to hogsmeade," Harry argued.

"We know," all three of them retaliated. "We've got a better way," Fred and George remarked. They stepped up to the small staircase and continued to drag harry around the corner and up to a smaller secretive staircase nobody really marched on.

"We'll show you a quicker way," George told him still struggling. "If you pipe down," he said and took them to the stair well placing Harry on stairs.

"Now Harry, come join the big boys," Fred and George announced, y/n standing alongside Harry, her feet on the same level as fred and georges. Harry whipped the invisibility cloak away from himself and dropped it to his ankles.

"What are you doing-!" He whisper-yelled at the gingers, quickly hushed by them,Fred passed a scrap piece of parchment over, the same one used last night. "What this rubbish?" He quizzed and the twins scoffed.

"What's this rubbish he says? That there is the secret to our success," Fred said leaning against the wall, Harry flipping over the parchment.

"It's a reach giving it to you believe me," George added.

"But we figured your needs are greater than ours," Fred told and smiled, y/n looked over the banister, scanning the object. "George if you will," Fred offered and George pulled out his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he announce and flicked towards the parchment the four teens watched as ink splattered into the page.

"Missers, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs present the marauders map," Harry announced,  suddenly a bell rung in y/n's head as he spoke the names out, her brows furrowing in thought, Harry glanced up at the twins.

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