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"Out of the way! Out of the way!" A loud male voice bellowed, as few ravenclaws were peering from the corner in their pyjamas.  y/n opened the door to see a ginger man being carried over he shoulders of Lupin and Kingsley Shaklebolt, his face covered with a deep red liquid that dripped from his chin and left small droplets against the stones.

Y/n opened out the doors instantly, as Lupin and Shaklebolt dragged inside the hospital wing. Hermione, Ron and Luna seemed to be chasing behind them. Hermione noticing y/n, running over and enveloped the blonde girl with black highlights the biggest hug she had even been given.

"Are you alright? Is Harry alright? What about Neville? He got knocked back by that curse of the staircase," Hermione rambled, the ginger siblings chasing after the injured man. "That's Bill, Ron and Ginny's eldest brother, he was attacked by Greyback, you know that werewolf? He's completely destroyed, Ginny's gone to get Harry now, saw her in the way up," Hermione said, letting go of the hug, dragging her to the end of the hospital wing where Madame Promfrey guided the man, laying him back revealing his badly blooded face, with three cuts sliced directly through the centre of his face horizontally.

"It's bad, won't he become a werewolf?" Y/n asked, wincing at the tightness of her stomach.

"Not sure really, you okay? I saw you throw Greyback through that window, me and Luna was out checking for more death eaters," Hermione announced, before guiding the girl away slightly. "Harry!" Hermione almost screamed, giving the teenage boy a large hug, asking if the boy asked if he was okay and informing him on the situation with Bill. "Is it true? Dumbledore was killed?" Hermione questioned only for the heads to turn.

"Pardon?" Lupin almost yelled, all eyes turned to where Hermione, Harry and y/n stood.

"Dumbledore was killed, and Snape did it," Harry announced. "We saw it all, we was in the storage room underneath the astronomy tower, Malfoy disarmed him as he said he was ordered by Voldermort to kill him, he's been trying to all year, but death eaters came up the stairs and joined," Harry paused, his eyes glued to the ground. "Snape joined and killed him on the spot," Harry finished, y/n watched as Lunas lips trembled, an odd feature to her pale skin as she'd usually be one to smile, Madame Promfrey gave out a small wail as tears streamed down her cheeks, Hermione and Ron looked to y/n and Harry in shock.

"Molly and Arthur are on their way," McGonagall announced, striding inside of the ward her robes ripped and her braid loose, she noticed y/n and Harry. "Hagrid said something about Dumbledore-"she was cut off by Harry.

"Dumbledore's dead and Snape killed him," Harry spoke instantly, catching his professor off guard. The old woman pressed her fingers against mouth.

"Oh it's my fault, I told filibuster to fetch Snape about the death eaters inside the castle, if he probably haven't alerted Snape he wouldn't of joined with the death eaters," McGonagall sighed. "He told us he'd be out and we should patrol the corridors, all the passageways seemed shut and well secured and when the death eaters broke in we was all so confused..." Minerva announced, shaking her head.

"They came through the Room of Requirement, Draco Malfoy had been mending a twin of a vanishing cabinet to form a passage from Borgin and burkes to Hogwarts," y/n added, clearly the confusion.

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