Chapter 1: "SCP 4197"

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You sat back against the wall, thinking of how you would have broken out and killed everyone by now if you were younger but of course, after god knows how long you mellowed out and waited for adventures to come to you instead of you finding it.


The room's only door opened, revealing a red-haired woman with blue eyes in stereotypical scientists attire. I know this woman, her name is Alice she is the person who comes around every now and then, she asks me a few questions and we have nice talks.

Alice: "SCP 4197, prepare for questioning"

Y/n: "You do realize I have a name, Alice"

Alice: "Sorry, Y/n just bear with it" she got close to me and sat right next to me, putting her back against the wall." So..." She looks at me "What are you doing?"

Y/n: "Thinking if I should kill everyone here then leave," I say jokingly, Alice looks at me worried. "I'm joking" she sighs in relief

Alice: "Don't joke like that!" She said while jokingly punching my arm.

Y/n: "Hey is that outside world still stupid? With all their technology abuse and obesity?"

Alice: sighs before nodding "Yeah everything is still the same, not a thing changed" It's been two years since I was captured but knowing how humans are, they change faster than most animals.

Y/n: "Alright, what do you want to ask me now" she for some reason smiles sadly.

Alice: "Well today we are going to do something a bit different" she stands up and dust herself off. "We are going to test how you will react to another SCP" she lowered her hand towards me

Y/n: I grab her hand and got up "So what the foundation has stopped wanting answers from me?" She started to walk towards the door.

Alice: "I guess you can say that" she reached the armored door and motioned me to follow which of course I did.

When stepping outside the first thing I've noticed is two guards wearing black armor and held an assault rifle. On the guard's armor, I noticed the words SCP. I continued to follow Alice, the guards watched and then followed us.

Y/n: "Am I that scary? That you guys need people dressed to be able to take a hit from a train to watch me?"

Alice: she shrugged "We found you on the moon Y/n, a 28-year-old human looking being, drinking tea while sitting on the moon without a space suit."

Y/n: "Still, I haven't done anything dangerous yet. So there is no need to fear me to this extent" she seemed to ignore my statement and proceed to continue walking down the halls.

We reached a larger pair of metal doors, right next to the door said: "SCP-096 Shy guy" the name was a bit faded towards hinting that this SCP was here for a long time.

Y/n: "Mario..."

Alice: turned to me "Hmmm?"

Y/n: "Nothing sorry"

She looked at me again, slightly puzzled until shrugging off her curiosity and opening the door. The next room in the door had a crossroads.

Alice: "Ok Y/n"  she turns around to face me "You go over here and I go over there" I nod giving her confirmation. We split ways Alice and the guards headed to the left while I head to what I'm guessing the chamber room. On my way, a speaker near the end of the door turns on. "Y/n, we won't be able to watch you so if you see anything strange happen please do not forget about it"

Y/n: "Alright Alice" I stop at the door and take a breath before, the door opens and I walk in. I walked into a strange room, in the room was a large 5 m x 5 m x 5 m steel cube. I followed the walls of the cube until I reached an entrance. I stepped into the cube only to see a tall pale man, covering his face while weeping loudly.

Y/n: "Umm Hello" I walked closer to the man "Are you ok?" I touched his shoulder to look at his face  

Y/n: "Umm Hello" I walked closer to the man "Are you ok?" I touched his shoulder to look at his face  

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He stood up and started to scream, while holding his body, frantically shaking.

Alice: "Y/n! Run!" I heard her yell over an intercom

I completely ignored her, I can guess what's about to happen but that doesn't scare me. While not paying attention to the Scp, I felt a sudden "pinch". I look down to see all my organs are on the ground.

Y/n: "Rude! I was trying to see if you're ok!" The pale SCP grabs my head and my arm and ripped it off. within a blink of an eye, my body put its self back together. The pale Scp rips me apart, again and again, my body put its self back together every time.  "Alright, asshole!" I balled my hand in a fist, pulled my fist back and punched the fucker right in the face. With a loud bang, the pale Scp broke through the cubes wall and hit on another outside wall. The pale Scp laid against the wall, lifeless. "Shit! did I kill it" The Scp twitches "Whew Five percent is still too fucking powerful"

I walk out the entrance of the cube and made my way to the outer room's door. The door opened and I was met with 5 guards with there guns pointed at me. 

Y/n: "Ah sorry, I might have knocked out the other guy" The guards lower their weapons and look at each other

(Small time skip brought to you by, Y/n playing a violent version of  peek a boo with the shy guy) 

I sat in my cell, sitting back against the wall, talking to Alice.

Alice: "So let me get this straight, you let him stab and rip you apart and then when you had enough you punched him" I nod which makes her sigh "You do realize that this forces me to change your Object class" 

Y/n: "Oh? what is it right now?"

Alice: "Euclid" she opened a file that she been holding to for a while "Now, you are now Keter."

Y/n: "Is that good?"

Alice: "Kinda, it means your on a shorter lesh then normal"

Y/n: "Fun..."

Alice: "Its not, I have to do more paper work" she sighs before looking at her watch "Aw, well Y/n I have to go" she gets up and gets ready to go 

Y/n: "Same time tomorrow?" My comment brings Alice laughter

Alice: "Sure"

Alice left the room, leaving me alone. I sat back down against the wall thinking about today.  I really was not expecting that today, maybe I should stick around for a while...
Wait, did Alice just tell me something I wasn't suppose to know?

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