chapter 12: The time we spend apart

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Alice's POV

I was working on a new report for the foundation until someone knocked on my door.

Alice: "Come in" A short-haired, green-eyed, blondie came into my room, she wore an Scp security uniform

Alice: "Come in" A short-haired, green-eyed, blondie came into my room, she wore an Scp security uniform

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(Not mine, she from black mesa buuut just imagine shes from the foundation)

???: "Hello miss Rose, I am Sandra and I'm here to arrest you"

Alice: "What?"

Sandra: "Yep" She spoke in a cheery voice which made it sound as if she was joking.

Alice: I sigh "Who put you up to this? Bright?" Sandra shakes her head, which confused me even more

Sandra: "You've broken one of the most important rules of the foundation miss rose" her cheery smile turns into a face of disgust.

Alice: "What are you talking about?" I knew exactly what she's talking about but she shouldn't have any evidence.

Sandra: "You know exactly what I'm talking about slut!" She seemed to get angry.

Alice: "Don't yell at me! For baseless accusation, that you obviously are putting the blame on me due to myself being Y/n's head researcher!" I snapped back at her which caused her to smile wide, which baffled me even more.

Sandra: "I never said anything about Y/n" I looked at her in shock, I fell into her trap without even knowing it. "Although I am feeling nice" she slowly grew a big smile on her face. Which irritated me. "If you let me talk to Y/n in your steed, then I won't tell the foundation about your romance with a monster"

Alice: "He's not a monster!" Her face turned cold before she suddenly slapped me. I softly felt the spot where she hit which stung greatly.

Sandra: "Shush" she spoke in a dead voice.

I looked at her in anger, before a rather important question came to mind.

Alice: "How did you find out!? And why do you just want to talk to Y/n!?"

To answer my first question, she pointed to a security camera that was off until she pressed a button on her arm.

So she turned them back on...

Sandra: "As for the immortal, I plan on using him for more.....important research like today! Bring y/n to that room " her smile appeared again hinting some evil intentions. "Ah look at the time, I gotta go"

I silently watched her walk towards my door before suddenly stopping.

Sandra: "If you tell anyone about this or even avoid what I asked you to do..." She looked back at me with death written in her eyes "I will expose you and feed you to 682" with that she left my room.

Alice: "This is going to be bad...."

Y/n Pov

I sat back against the wall waiting for Alice since she told me I'm supposed to be doing a new test today.

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