Chapter 8: The time we spend wondering

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Alice's Pov

Y/n and I sat in a very fancy restaurant called the Fulton, we just sat there looking at each other.

Alice: I was the first to break the ice "If its ok to ask, why were you on the moon? You never answered" y/n thought for a moment before replying.

Y/n: "I need to relax" he finishes his words with an elongated sigh.

Alice: "From what exactly?"

What would cause someone like Y/n to relax?

Y/n: "So do you know about how some movies toy of the idea of humanity getting destroyed somehow?" I nodded "So after watching the last one, I need some time away from humans for a little bit"

Alice: "Oh, so you relaxed after fixing one of our problems"

Y/n: "Yep"

Alice: "Now I feel bad...we just basically kidnapped a hero...." I look down at my coat until I felt y/n gently lift my face.

Y/n: "No it's fine, after all, if the foundation didn't kidnap me I would have never met you" y/n spoke sweetly which made me smile.

Alice: "You always seem to know how to make me smile" Y/n shrugs

Y/n: "Hey I'm here to please" I giggled at y/n statement but silence followed after. "So..." I look at him "Why do you keep looking down at your coat?"

He noticed...

Alice: "It's just..." I tried to think of an excuse but nothing came to mind "It's my dress.." Y/n looked at me and smiled

Y/n: "So you are wearing a dress"

Alice: "Yeah...I am" I gripped my coat some more.

Y/n: "So why are you hiding it? Do you think I might not like it? That's not true if that's the case, because I like you and what every you wear is just a small detail"

He was right, he is a flippen immortal for god sakes. Me worrying about how I dress is the lest of my problems.

Alice: "Your right, please give me a moment"

Y/n pov

Alice got up from the chair and left for the bathroom.

Oh my god, I'm freaking out...All I can do is smile and say nice things. Why am I freaking out?!? I'm y/n, the strongest immortal on the planet! And yet here I am freaking the fuck out to a mortal oh god oh god.

At this point I was visibly sweating, I picked up my napkin and sighed.

Y/n: "I need to just..." I breath in air "Relax.." I exhaled before hearing footsteps coming towards the table. I looked up towards the direction of the sound only to see Alice wearing...

The dress pushed against her body in all the right ways as well as leaving the middle section opened

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The dress pushed against her body in all the right ways as well as leaving the middle section opened.

Y/n: "Holy shit" I couldn't believe my eyes, I mean I knew Alice would look stunning in a dress but this dress was just beyond any human words for beautiful "W-wow" I had to rub a cloth on my face to get rid of the extra amount of sweat. Alice notices my eyes and gained a devilish smile, she instead of sitting on the chair she sat on before. She walked around it and sat on my lap facing me.

Alice: "Do you like what you see~?" I couldn't even speak fully here so I just nodded. "That's good~ say why don't we go somewhere private~?"

I picked her up princess style and left the restaurant.

(Small timeskip brought to you by, Alice telling Y/n she was joking and they should go to the park)

After the whole teasing shenanigans Alice pulled, we laid in a park looking into the night sky. Alice laid on a bench while I laid on the ground.

Alice: "Y/n..." She spoke softly, while her eyes were glued to the night sky.

Y/n: "Yes?" I also looked into the sky, thinking about how I was able to remember the finest detail about them and yet I couldn't remember my real name nor all of my powers.

Alice: "I wish I met you outside the foundation..." She leaned up slightly and turned to me.

Y/n: "Why is that?" I turned my body to face hers.

Alice: "Then we could've maybe been..." Her face turns red before she sighs and looks up at the stars.

Y/n: "I'm guessing you thought about the word couple?" She looked at me again before looking down sad.

Alice: "Not exactly..."

Wait was she thinking about marriage?

I looked back to the sky thinking about how Alice would look in a wedding dress.

I looked back to the sky thinking about how Alice would look in a wedding dress

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Y/n: "Why can't we exactly?" I get up and look at her.

Alice: "Becuase I'm a scientist and your an Scp" she leans up off of the bench "That's basically a prisoner and guard relationship, it's illegal"

Y/n: "So? There are probably hundreds of those type of relationships hidden in plain sight, meaning we could make it work"

Alice: "I don't know Y/n, what if we get caught?"

Y/n: "What are they going to do huh? Shoot their best researcher and keep me locked away?" Alice smiled

Alice: "Yeah... Yeah! We could make it work!"

I sat down next to her and grabs her hand.

Y/n: "Well lets do this" I yell into the night sky.

Alice: she smiles and yells "Yeah!"

Y/n: "Well let me disconnect now"

Alice: "Wh-" I didn't let her finish and I unlinked our brains.

I was the first to open my eyes, I got up and stretched before kissing Alice forehead. Which ironically makes her open her eyes.

Alice: "Were back here..." She looks around as if she was native to my cell.

Y/n: "Yeah we never left actually" she looks up at me confused

Alice: "How..."

Y/n: "You already know the answer"

Alice: she looks at me before smiling "Yes I do" she gets up and hugs me "And I love you"

Y/n: I smiled widely, enough to scare an Scp "I love you too"


Not going to lie, I really wanted to introduce the antagonist here but nope~ I've got the best place to put them, in an upcoming chapter.

P.s. I don't want to sound like an youtuber but, don't forget to vote and comment plus share it with your buds!

(Random quote: "Love can be gained as fast as it can be taken away")

The luaghing immortal (powerful Immortal male reader X SCP foundation)Where stories live. Discover now