Chapter: 4 "little lizard"

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You sat in your cell again, back against the wall. Alice left you, to go prepare your next encounter. Your mind slowly lingered into old memories of those you met, those you killed, and those who defeated you. One of those people you met in the past was a lizard that was so fucking annoying, although it was tiny and had lots of pride. You sit there and wonder what happened to the little guy, wondering if he made out of the many wars and world ending events. The door suddenly opens, revealing Alice accompanied by two heavily armed guards.

Alice: "Alright Y/n- I mean, Scp 4197" she steps close to help you up. A devilish smile comes across your lap and you pull Alice down on your lap and hold her by the hips. The guards point their guns at you.

Y/n: "Whoa I didn't know you liked me this much~" you say with a jokingly/flirty voice.

Alice: she wraps her arms around your neck and smiles a bit "You don't know how much I have to hold back~"

Guard 1: "'am?" The guard receives an angry glare from Alice.

Alice: "Yes yes, experiments, paper work, all those things." She sighs, getting off your lap.

You yourself was about to get up until you felt a wet spot where your couch was. You look back at slightly confused, Alice just winks at you before she leaves, leaving you and the guards in the cell.

(Small time-skip brought to you by, you comforting Casey by letting her sit in your lap)

You stood out side a very large pair of very thick doors. Ticker then, Scp-097's whole cube.

Alice: "OK Scp 4197, please enter the chamber"

You go inside, the first thing you noticed was the smell of dead bodies and blood. The second thing was of course, a giant lizard that has rips and tars on its hide revealing regenerating tissue and a rib cage.

Y/n: "Whoa you look bad"

682 looks at you for a moment before it dashed at you, with its jaw open. You reel your arm back and pump your fist forward. Generating a massive shock wave, forcing it in the back wall, with a loud bang and a tiny bit shaking from the whole building, 682 falls onto its stomach.

Scp- 682: "I remember you..." 682 starts to mutate, generating bone armor on its back. "You are the one from my past..."

Y/n: "?" You think for a moment, trying to remember the lizard.

Scp- 682: "You disgusting sack of flesh....." It tries to tail whip you but you grab its tail pull it close and punch it in the lower belly.

Y/n: "I don't remember you" 

Scp- 682: "Of course you don't, Jack"

Y/n: "I haven't been called that in a long time" The lizards voice finally clicked, pulling up the image of a little lizard "Little lizard"

Lizard: The beast lets out a deafening roar, but you don't mind after all you litterly heard the big bang, the biggest and loudest ear rape in history. "Don't ever call me that!"

Y/n: "Ha, you forget who's stronger"

Scp- 682 growls and spits acid at you, which you just open your palm and use Psychic to stop the shot and throw it to the side.

Y/n: "Wow is that all you got? I  thought you would of gotten stronger over the centenaries" You taunt Scp- 682 only pissing it of more.

Scp- 682 roars again, charging at you. All you do is jump over it, while mid air you use your Psychic powers and rip it in half before landing.

Y/n: "Man and here I thought if I found you, I would have a good time remembering my powers, Pathetic"

Scp- 682 begins to put itself back together while you sit against the wall, yawning. Scp- 682's shoulder tendons open and shoot towards you trying to wrap around you but you just grab them all before pulling the lizard towards you.

Y/n: "So you given up trying to kill me now, hmm?"

Scp- 682 tries to back away from you, but your way to strong so you pull it towards you.

Scp- 682: yells at the top of its reputed lungs "Kill me, you meat bag DO IT"

Y/n: "If you wish" You lift your hand, and slowly balled your hand into a fist. Scp- 682 slowly gets crushed, slowly turning into the size of a meatball. "Well that was e-" you felt extreme mental strain, as the small ball starts to resize into Scp- 682 "What the?" You dropped to you knee holding your head.

Scp- 682: "Hahaha, you could never kill me!" it laughed

Y/n: "Fine then lets try th-" you were lifted off the ground and slammed into the wall "What!?"

Scp- 682: "We are now one of the same, meat bag!" the damaged wall, starts to crack and fall apart becoming shards.

Y/n: "Psychic power fight?" You push your self out of the wall "Not happening" you snap your fingers and half of lizards brain teleports outside of the body. You snap with your other hand, opening an unstable rip in space around the brain effectively making a lightsaber ring and melt the brain down to ash. The wall stops brealing but all manner of alrams went off. Even the observation rooms shutters were closed.

Staff(intercom): "All security personnel Scp-682 as broken containment, I repeat Scp-682 has broken containment!"

You look over to regenerating corpse of 682, and smile.

Guards rush in though the door, holding very large weapons. You turn and loom at them before snapping your fingures and close your melty melty rift.

Y/n: "Yeah, I can't kill him nor can that sack of lizard flesh can touch me." The guards stare at you for a moment before one touches its ear, mostlikely an earpiece within their mask.

Guard: "Scp 4197, go back to your cell. Professer Bright is waiting for you."

Y/n: "Who?"

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