Chapter 2: "One person"

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3rd person Pov

You stood behind a new door, doing a new test for Alice. Ever since you've shown to beable to knock out SCP- 96, Alice said you've been requested by alot of scientist. Alice who's in the watch room of the new SCP your about to encounter, thinks its a good Idea to let you start off easy instead of dealing with Keter or higher class SCP's.

You take a breathe as the doors slowly
Opens. A young adult female was restrained in the middle of the room, she seemed to ware two mittens and a red and white dress.

She looked up and saw me, with a fearful stare.
???: "One person...."

Y/n: "Yeah its just me, do you get more then one visitors?"

???: "No that not what I mean..." Her fear slowly turns into curiosity "I can't see your...." She began to smile "I can't see it" she yells asloud as she can in the most excited way. "I CAN'T SEE IT!"

You look at her confused

Y/n: "You can't see what?"

???: "Your future..."

Wait, was this facility trying to find out something about me though the future?!?

???: "This never happened before...what are you?"

Y/n: "Y/n the immortal"

???: "Even if your immortal, I should still see your future. I mean it worked on fucking cuthulu"

Y/n: "Steve? Wait Steve's here?"

She looked at you confused

???: "You know cuthulu?"

Y/n: " Yeah I know most of the gods and demons you humans know, but last time I checked steve died and had a kid"

She was now even more confused

???: "Wait does that mean you know God"

You think for a moment

Y/n: "Yes"

???: "Then do you know why he made me like this?"

She looks up, with tears in her eyes.

???: "I didn't do anything wrong and yet..." She breaks down into tears "I wasn't evil, I'm not a monster and yet...."

You felt bad, you remember people saying the same thing this woman is saying but you know how god thinks. He always claims he has nothing to do with the creation of human, he says that the making of humans were just science that came to life after making well everything. But you know he makes stuff like her and trys to play it off, you still remember the first time you met him.

Y/n's flashback

Everything was black and cold, not even a single light was able to be seen. Only darkness, then with a big bang. Colors you never seen before can into view. Blue, yellow, green, red, it was so new and amazing. For the first time in 12733478953679843789954337907443235890759733130864468997432126790754346789i5543478533257799654378 seconds you saw something new. You reached for the light only to hear a voice

???: "Oh? Whats this?" You loomed to the side only to see a man, wearing a white and a long robe. "Who might you be?"

You couldn't speak, you spent god knows how long in darkness that you forgot how to. You even forgot where you came from but you knew one thing. This man standing before you is a god.

God: "Hmm can you not speak?" He snaps his fingers but nothing happened "Hmm Strange I don't effect you...." He gets closer as, planets and stars starts to form everywhere in the once empty space.

The god looks at you, with great curiosity until he snaps again, making a chair and a table. The table seemed to have a kettle and tea cups, God sat across you already drinking out of one of the cups.

God: "Come sit, lets talk" he motioned for the other seat while taking another sip.

You didn't know what a chair is at the time but your a smart cookie so after about two hours and a shit ton of trys you sat across from the now amused god.

God: "What is your name?"
I shook my head "do you have a name?" I shook my head again "hmmm what about Y/n? It sounds quite nice" you shook your head "jack?" you nodded "Alright jack, lets talk"

the god talked about various things but he asked you one thing that changed your future foever

God: "Can you do me a favour Jack?" You tilt your head in response of his qustion "Can you watch over them?" He pointed at a planet that you knew for a fact was not there a minute ago. A blue and green planet, it seemed to be thawing out from some type of ice age but you could sense life of all kinds on the planet. Especially a unique animal that seemed to have started to walk on its hind legs and wave a stick around like its boss.

God: "They seem intresting, please watch over them until that can stand on there own to feet" I nod and with a snap I was on the planet, wearing fur from some animal.

Y/n's flashback END

The women was sobing loudly with no hint of stopping, but you had a idea that will stop her.

Y/n: " God's plan" she looked up at you "You may not see it now, but you have this ability for a reason. Hell you might be able to use your power to save lives"

???: "How! all I FUCKING SEE IS DEATH!" She scearms as she violently moves within her restraints

Y/n: "And yet, I'm still alive in your eyes" she stays quite as her tears flow silently down her checks and drip on to the floor "Your going to save the day one day" you step into arms distance of her and creases her cheek "Your going to be a hero"
She looks at you with a vulnerable face, which looked surprisingly cute.

???: "Casey...." Het tears seemed to stop

Y/n: "Huh?"

Casey: "That's my never asked"

Y/n: "That's a beautiful name, Casey"

Before anyother words were spoken, Alice spoke over the intercom.

Alice(over intercom): "SCP-4197 please head for the exit, your time with SCP- 187 is up"

Y/n: "Well damn, looks like I have to go"

Casey: "do you have to?"

Y/n: "No but, to not cuase another alram then yes"

Casey: "Can you visit me again?"

You smiled

Y/n: "Don't see why not"

Casey started to smile as you head for the door.

Y/n: "See you later, Cas" The door opened up and Casey closed her eyes, as guards extracted you.

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