A Marriage of Convenience

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So I've read so many Arranged Marriage AU's for SasuHina that it made me want to write about it. If i wrote a complete series, I'm sure i would write the characters way off the way they are. So i just decided to post the initial chapter i wrote. Comment, vote and tell me what you think.

The silence was almost deafening.

She felt everyone's stares on her as she was presented the cup to drink Saké from. The same cup which had just touched her husband's lips.

Her eyes were covered by the veil of her own hair. She clenched her jaw and took the cup. She sipped the sake like it was Poison. It burned as it went down her throat.

The burning lessened the buzzing in her ear. It made her realize she was getting married. The numb feeling she'd had since the morning started to lessen. She took another sip even though she was not supposed to and handed the cup back to whoever would hold it.

Her eyes burnt with un-shed tears. She would not cry. Not now. Not ever. "I now pronounce you both husband and wife."

The priest started to recite a long prayer for the well being of them both and for a long lasting and loving marriage between them. She wanted to laugh at that.

That was not possible. Never.

She had not heard her husband say a word since yesterday, when he had curtly informed her about the arrangements and she'd nodded.

She did not care. At all. This might as well be her funeral. She cast a hateful glance at her father, who seemed perfectly content hiding his emotions behind that mask as always.

The prayer was over and they were both made to stand up. The traditional wedding kimono was heavy and uncomfortable; although all her friends had told her she looked beautiful.

Not like it mattered. She was sure her husband had not even noticed how she looked. Not that she expected him to.

This was merely a marriage of convenience for them both. Or more accurately, for him and her father. She breathed in sharply, expelling all the thoughts as she felt herself being walked to the carriage, which would take her to her new home.

Her father came closer to her, saying a traditional prayer of happiness for her before stepping away. Her sister hugged her, tears in her eyes. She did not know how Hinata felt. She was genuinely happy for her sister.

Neji hugged her last, his expression knowing and ice cold. He knew what was happening and he knew he would lose his cousin. His grip was tight on her shoulders and she felt a childish desire to curl up and hide with him.

But he could not protect her from what her fate was, could he? She sat in the carriage and felt it moving. She cast one last withering look to her former home.

Or her former prison. Since every breath in there had been suffocating. All the damn time.

The walk was silent. The carriage was set down when she reached her destination. Her husband came to stand next to her.

She did not look at him. Instead, choosing to look at the magnificent building in front of her. The giant gates and the lush green, albeit deserted garden inside. The infrastructure which had once housed a group of strong and determined individuals.

The Uchiha compounds.

Her new home.

Her new prison.

As if hearing her thoughts, her husband smirked cruelly, his hand on her lower back as he led her inside. The gates closed heavily behind them and Hinata's eyes burned again.

The buzzing in her ears began anew and her body began going numb again. But the merciful darkness did not take hold of her like it used to when she was younger.


She'd become stronger. Now, she would endure whatever was in front of her. Because perhaps, she was fated.

To be surrounded by monsters.

To become one herself.

She only wondered, how long would it take?

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