On a snowy evening

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At the request of @SxHlove. I hope you'll like it.


It was white everywhere.

The ground wasn't visible through the thick layer of snow. It seemed like another ice-age had descended on the earth.

The white snow created a soft blanket. And it looked like a canvass, which was ready to be painted with beautiful spring colors.

Or the dark shades of red. Like blood.

The snow fell heavily and the already difficult path became almost invisible to walk upon. And the cold...it was seeping into her bones.

Hinata wondered, once again, how could she have gotten lost? How had she gotten separated from her team mates who were next to her one minute and gone the next.

She'd even lost her way. She had absolutely no clue where she was and the snow blizzard on top of that only increased her problems.

She had to look for shelter. Now. She activated her Byakugan again, tired and weary from the constant use of her bloodline on low Chakra. Her vision was clear and extended over a long range.

A town, not more than one kilometer away, just as she'd seen before. Good, she had not gotten lost then, she thought as she deactivated her bloodline and continued trudging.

The wind howled in her ears, almost knocking her over with the sheer force of it. She sighed. If the wind blew any harder, she'd have to use Chakra to keep her feet rooted on the path as she was too small.

And since the path was covered with snow, she'd never get a solid enough grip. Nor could she run. She gritted her teeth.

She was going to take shelter in the nearest shelter she could see. No matter what. Continuing her walk, she contemplated what to do after she'd gotten shelter.

She'd cross that bridge once she got to it, she decided. A few minutes later and she could make out the outline of a building through the snow. She immediately activated her Byakugan.

It was a wooden building. Seemed like a compound or something. She was going there, she decided, even if the devil himself showed up.

She hurriedly made her way to it through the howling wind and snow. No one would hear her knocking and the door was unlocked, so she just walked in.

Already it was warmer inside the building. She scanned the building with her Byakugan once. No one was there. Although she'd have to check again.

She clutched her backpack closer. Taking a kunai out of the holster, she made her way into the building cautiously.

Utter silence apart from the howling of the wind outside. The snow just kept coming, she thought, as she looked out a window. She sighed. Lowering her Kunai, she made her way into what she assumed was the living room.

It had a few rugs and a small table in it. The compound seemed long abandoned. It would do for the night, she thought as she looked around the dark room.

And paused.

Glowing in the dark room were blood red eyes. She felt her breath leave her body. "You're a long way from home."

Seems like the devil showed up after all.


The voice of Konoha's traitor made her blood run even colder, if that was even possible considering she'd just walked through a storm.

"Sasuke Uchiha." she breathed out.

He was upon her in a second, slamming her painfully into the wall. She felt the thud as her head collided with the wall. She gasped.

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