Not Diagnosed

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        Here goes rant number two. This is for all of you annoying people who think that you are psychologists, when really, you never even went to school for it.

        I hate these people. They go around jumping to conclusions and trying to diagnose you with something that you do not have or have not been diagnosed with. I understand that I am crazy, but I have never been diagnosed with anything in my life, and I am not letting some idiot teenager who is at most four years older than me, diagnose me out of nowhere. Let me explain what happened.

        Last Friday, I was at LARP Club, yes, I am a LARPer, and one of the other LARPers was trying to teach me how to hit softer since I can't control my strength and could probably bruise a T-Rex. Anyways, he kept on talking and asking me questions. One of them being, "Are you pigeon-toed?"

        Let me explain something else, I am not pigeon-toed. I stand like I am though, because it makes it easier for me to move my leg when I am standing. Never, in my life, have I ever not been moving. Even in my sleep, I move. This is something that I got from my mother. She always has to be moving in some way shape or form. I explained all of this to the guy, and the next question he asked was, "Do you have ADHD?"

        I told him no and explained it to him again, but he, like the idiot he is, says, and I quote, "Yeah, you have ADHD." Then, I told him that I have never been diagnosed with anything in my life, which means that I do not have ADHD. Again, he says, "You have ADHD."

        I ended up walking away from him in the middle of training and went to my duel wielding teacher and my team mate, Chase. That dude was lucky that I didn't want to get kicked out of LARP Club or add another reason for kicking me out of LARP Club to the list, because I was about ready to punch him in the face.

        It might not seem like a very big deal, but it seriously irritated me. Some random guy who I barely know but is in my club, just randomly tells me that I have ADHD and, to tick me off even more, keeps insisting that I have it, no matter how many times I try to explain to him that I do not. I would be fine if my friends told me that I have it, because they actually know me. They know how my mind works better than anyone else, my family included, but if it's someone who barely knows me and diagnoses me with something out of nowhere, that is when I get mad. I will not let some dick who thinks he knows everything about me, when really he is a complete fucking stranger, diagnose my out of nowhere. IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING.

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