My Greatest Enemies

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        Boredom. That is one of my greatest enemies. It gives me an opportunity to think. I think about my past, my future, and anything else that pops into my head. It is a pretty dark place in my mind. My mind is a scary place to most people. There are other enemies, however.

        My own anger. It terrifies me sometimes. When I get angery, I feel as if I have no control over myself,  and I hate it with a burning passion. My anger is a destructive force that nobody can control. I absolutely hate it.

        God. I hate everything about him. I don't care if you people don't like me. I don't have to be a damn christian. At least I know the truth and am open with my opinions. God is an asshole. You can say that he is just testing our faith when he puts us through Hell, or you could open your eyes and realize something. God wouldn't just sit there all jolly while his creations suffer. He wouldn't just watch and look down on us when we are all in pain. He is an ass who abandoned us all.

        Disney. Yes. I hate disney. After the first time watching one of there movies you notice some things.  It is forbidden to show blood on weapons. I just finished watching Tangeled. It irritated me. The dude got stabbed. No blood. When she cried onto him, the tear didn't even touch the dude's wound, but he healed anyways. Also, COULD HE HAVE CUT HER HAIR ANY SHORTER?! I just can't. I just fucking can't.

        And, I am done with my ranting, so, peace out dudes.


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