Chapter 3

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This picture what you see there that's how Rubin looks like thought I add one. With this I hope you have fun with this chapter as well ^-^


As he asked that the person's eyes widen and then a soft expression was with a little smile on his lips.

"Ah, so sorry I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Yusei Fudo and I am pretty sure you want to know your name as well. So your name is Jaden Yuki and with we I meant my friends and the person's who you saw before..."

There was a pause from his new friend. It was as he would think about telling him something until he heard him say....


It wasn't enough that Jaden got an accident and had injuries no he had to forget his memory. There was more behind it and Yusei knew this as he just couldn't suddenly be in the future without help. And how it looked for him was that someone wanted to have him out of his way. It was possible after all he was at that Paradox incident so who knows. All he could do was trying to help him get his memory back and maybe then they could solve that puzzle of him being in the future. Where was he again oh yeah trying to think about him telling him that he was actually in the past. Should he do that right now or should he wait? Maybe it was better not to make him have more stress.

"I want to tell you something Jaden but I think it is better to wait until you feel better. I can see that this stresses you out."

He could see the confusion in the expression of Jaden. What I still can't believe that winged Kuriboh was right on the shoulder. Or maybe he should have expected it after all this is Jaden we are talking about. His musing was brought out of it as he heard Jaden talk.

"I...see I am actually pretty tired so I guess you are right about me being stressed out. I am actually exhausted not to mention my headache got worse."

With that he saw him lay down again, letting out a little yawn. Kuribo disappeared back to his card probably feeling the tiredness of Jaden.

"That makes sense so I guess I will go now. Will visiting you tomorrow then hope you manage to get a good nights rest. Oh and before I forget it the hospital knows my number so when you need me you can tell them to call me alright'"

He felt just better that Yusei knew that they had his number for emergencies. His gut just told him that there was more behind it.

"Thanks, Yusei-san will do. Hope you have a well rested night as well."

With that, both said their goodbye's and Yusei made his way back to his friends. Closing the door behind and letting out a sigh. This was just more complicated than before and that his sign glowed meant never something good. Something did happen and he will find it out. But for now, he had to get a good nights rest. It got late and he was feeling tired that the whole thing put a toll on him.


??? Pov (guess who that pov now is ;) )

It was now a year as the academia was absolved and he wasn't expecting to his friend to try to avoid everyone. Not everyone he tried to avoid his friend he got into contact but whenever he tried to get answers out of him why he was avoiding his friends he avoided that question. He could guess what reason he had but why wasn't he avoiding him then? They talked often on the phone and many hours when talked or they often wrote to each other. Maybe it was because he was still feeling guilty about what happened to him or maybe there was more. He felt at ease when Jade told him that he was alright. That was all he needed to know but he knew from Jaden himself that before he got to know him that there happened stuff. Something in himself told him that these things happened often.

When he first met him he felt like they knew each other but he never knew why he felt like that. It wasn't like himself alone that he felt like that Jaden himself agreed to that. But there was more to it he felt at ease with him. His thoughts were always around him about his best friend. So at this moment, it wasn't different as he sat on a chair outside of the balcony. His hair was spikey and dark turquoise colored. His green eyes were absentmindedly looking ahead, this person's name was Jesse Anderson. It was now a year since he saw him and he missed his best friend dearly.

(Hehe you didn't expect this did you XD)

A sigh escaped out of his mouth shaking his head and waiting for a new message of Jaden. At this moment Rubin Karfunkle showed herself to him and nuzzling into his neck. What is he a lovesick girl? Like seriously since Jaden left the duel academia he always thought about him and not one day did they stop since they wrote or talk to each other. He would have never got that he had a little crush on him but thanks to Alexis he realized that. 

It was funny how she had to tell him his feelings for Jaden. Like he hasn't realized it at all how blind he was. All he had eyes was about duel monsters and not realizing the rumors. It was absurd how people saw them before either he or Jaden did realize that they thought about them as a couple.

Now that he thought about it, everything that happened in the dark dimension made them get a much deeper bond they shared. Maybe it was strange but he could somehow feel Jaden's feelings and the same with him. After that incident, himself and Jaden were almost every day together until it was the last day. Before he was disappearing from the academia they talked to each other and he scolded him about not saying goodbye at least to his friends. He knew that he was avoiding them and tried to avoid him too but he wasn't letting him. That was one of the reason's why he still was in contact with him. One thing he noticed as he came back from that dimension was that he changed. Later on, he told him his fears about him being scared that his friends wouldn't accept him.

That made him confused why he was scared but when he told him that he fused with Yubel a duel monster as well that he had another soul in him the supreme king, Haou. It surprised him but he was still Jaden for him and that was what he told him. Since that they understood each other much better and their bond just got deeper. Maybe that was the reason that they understood what the other was feeling and sometimes what the other was thinking. Or maybe it was that they are just so similar? Who knows but he was his best friend who he held dearly and he hated it when he saw how verbal he was sometimes.

He sighs once more as he thought back about the duel academia time. He would trust Jaden his life and it was for sure for Jaden the same way. No one really did understand their bond or that's what their friends told them. He was brought back out of his musing as he heard a loud thunder which made him jump a bit. The weather felt strange to him something bad was happing it was a gut feeling. His instinct told him it had to do with Jaden. Let's hope he wasn't right...


So I thought I add Jesse in this because without Jesse it is missing something. I just love his character so much and I wanted to show the bond Jesse and Jaden have. At least in this fanfic because why not in fanfic is almost everything possible XD. I just adore these two so much and that's why I wanted to show it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading it ^^.

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