Chapter 15

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His eyes widening after hearing what happened to Jay made his stomach churn. He knew from both Jay's ghost friends that he has gotten his memory loss but not how bad it really was. Maybe they wanted him not to tell the whole truth that he wouldn't get too worried.

"I see that is much to take for me. I knew about Jay's amnesia because of Haou and Yubel but I didn't expect that. I will head back to Jay don't want to leave him not after I heard what you told me."

"Woah you really have a huge crush on him don't ya?"

He blinked a few times as he heard Crow say that and then his whole face lit up in a bright shade of red.

"Yeah...I will go now see you guys uh in the morning..."

With that he made his back up to Jay's room and thinking about what he heard from Yusei.


It was strange. For Jaden he never expected to see someone who looked so familiar to that person in his dream. Once again he was at the same beach and once again he couldn't figure out who this was. The same blurriness and like the last time he just couldn't hear what that person was saying. Like the last time he felt his heart sting. Suddenly his whole surrounding blurred out. His eyes slowly opened, blinking his tiredness out of his eyes, looking around. But pausing suddenly when he saw that the turquoise male laying on the bed, right next to him.

He looked so peaceful right now totally different then before. Not just that, handsome as well. Blinking a few times as he was suddenly feeling his cheek getting flustered. Why the hell was he thinking that. But more importantly why is his stomach feeling weird. That wasn't the only thing his heartbeat was going miles per hour right now. This was weird and something told him that he knew that person. His mind was that occupied that he hasn't noticed that this particular person was awake now. 

"Jay! Are you alright? Do you feel any after effects still? Do you need something?"


Feeling that overwhelming worry in the person in front of him was making him feel just more flustered and happy. Feeling a hand on his forehead.

//Oh my freaking got is he.....//

With that made his mind finally stop working as his whole face got into a bright shade of reddness and some steam was comming out.

"Christ sake Jessie I think you broke him."

"Huh what do you mean Crow?"

"Dude look at him, his whole face flustered and it isn't because of a fever."

That made him come back to reality. His expression showed pure confusion as he heard Crow saying that. What meant he by it is not because of fever?

//Jaden are you really that dense. I can't believe that you don't realize what your feeling...//

//Um what do you mean Haou? I don't get what you meant by that ...//

He could hear snickering in his head which made him just made him just feel more confused about it.

"Jay you there?"

His sight was disserupted by a hand in front of it. This made him come back to reality which made his face just seem so much more flushed.

"Oh I-i am there...what did yo-u just say?"

"Thanks god I was worried that you would be sick. Doesn't seem like it. I remember you telling that you normally can't get sick."

Seeing that smile made him just feel so much shyer. So he was just nodding and was wondering what he meant by that. It seemed like they knew each other well enough. Crow left the room with a huge grin,which made him just so much more confused...

"Oh I am fine other then still feeling a bit tired and what time is it?"

"You where unconscious 3 days now and you telling me you are still tired. I was worried sickly about you. I am so glad that your fine."

Hearing that made his eyes go huge and he felt bad now about that. He could feel that the person was enormly worried about him. He had to reassure him but why was it that he wanted to reasure him?

"We know each other don't we? Did you stay the whole time here?"

"Yeah we know each other and actually we are best friends. I know almost everything about you. We talked everyday and when I haven't heard from you 2 days straight I got worried. After I heard what happened to you...I just couldn't leave you. I terrible...sorry that I wasn't there. It must have been hard for you..."

It was like a waterfall when he told him that everything but he listened to all what he told him. That emotion what he now felt from the person in front of him made his heart sting. He felt sorrow in it. That made him feel bad for what he caused to this person. 

"I am sorry that you feel like this right now...I didn't want to cause any problems um..."

Now that he thought about it, what was the name of him?

"You don't have to apologize...wasn't your fault ya know and Jesse is my name but you can call me Jess when ya want to. I kinda forgot telling ya what my name was or better I kinda forgot in that chaos so yeah..."

How could he make him feel better? Something he has to do but what? It was silent after a while as Jaden was thinking about making Jesse feeling better.

"Um still sorry that I am making you worried..."

So I wrote this story a while ago and now I noticed that I just don't know how to continue this story. I am sorry about it but for now this story will be on hold maybe I will know what to write in the future, but right now I just have no clue what I should write next. 

Maybe you still want to read something check this new story out, which I write. I just have so many ideas so for now I will just write this story.

So yeah that's it what I wanted to tell you all. Thanks for reading it but I can't promise you that I will continue this story at all...

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