Chapter 10

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Before I will start that chapter I will introduce that oc what I talked about.

Name: Shino Suzuki (he is actually a card but the person who made him gave him that name)

Appearance: Look at the photo

Duel Card:

Name of the card: Angel of the future

Has the ability to make portals which makes other monsters disappear into two turns until coming back on the field. When using on human beings they will either be sent into the future.

Personality: Easy going and trying to protect two people. He failed sadly once but it wasn't his fault at that time so he made a plan to help that other person. That's all he is there for and his master gave him a mission before it happened. Yes he is a card but he still was like a human being as he is special. Shino was made for that mission and he will do anything to complete it...


A sigh escaped out of the person who was laying in bed and pouting slightly before giving a little nod. That made him satisfied and giving him a little grin and ruffling his hair in a brotherly manner. This made Jaden just pout more, which led to Yusei grinning slightly.

"I will go now making you something to eat until later."

With that, he made his way out of the room with a satisfied grin on his lips. He was happy that Jaden woke up and was feeling well.


He was actually lucky that Martha had time to teach him how to cook, for that he was grateful. She was the person who he grew up. The person who was like a real mother for him. He never had met his parents. So for him she was the person who he sees as a mother. A soft smile was on his lips as he thought about her. It took Yusei some time to cook some porridge with some berries.  After he has finished making the food he put it on a tablet, carrying it and beginning to make his way up  to the room.

As he entered the room he saw Jaden snoring slightly, that indicated to him that he nodded off. Seemed like he was really was tired. So he decided to put it on the night table that Jaden could eat that later on when he woke up again. With that he made his way out of the room again, quietly closing the door. Now he was sure that he could concentrating on working...


Jesse was slowly waking up and groaning. He was too exhausted to wake up so soon, that was until he remembered what he dreamt which made him instantly sit up. That whole thing made him pissed. How could they do that to Jay! Like seriously! Letting out a sigh and shaking his head, this wasn't the right time to be angry. Himself couldn't change what happend to Jay but that didn't mean that he would just stand still not when he knows that Jay was in danger. 

That wasn't the only thing something still was bugging him to go to Rome and he knew that he had to pack his things now. He looked at the clock and let out a sigh he still had a few hours but he had to hurry. With that he was beginning to get up and going up to his traveling bag. It took not so long and now he was in his bedroom and putting clothes in his back as well his duel disk. His mind was still occupied with what he know knew thanks to Haou and Yubel. 

He let out an annoyed huff as he thought what they told him. Why does it always have to be Jay!Can't he have his best friend have peace for once?! But he kind of knew that with Jay that this would be happening. That was more then enough for Jesse to always wanting to be there for him. Sadly that won't be possible for now but he will get to him. But for now all he could do was to follow his instincts. He just hoped that Jay was alright. Eh who is he kidding he will probably have found some friends in that time as well and they will probably help him out, he is Jay after all. Still he can't stop being worried about him...

//I just have to trust Jay until then I will have to be prepared about everything. Let's hope trap...//

The person was pissed. Someone had to stop her plans for now. That was all of  this Yusei Fudo's and his friends fault. This wasn't how her plans outcome were. Curse them! Oh well she should have known this. Jaden Yuki was someone who has defied his fate. He will get what she will this time that was for sure! 

An angry sneer came out of her as she heard that person. 

"He got away. Someone helped him to get in the future and I just can't look into the cards who helped him."

That made the person have a huge grin on his face and a low chuckle. It seemed that it was a wise decision to have asked that person for help. But that wasn't meaning that she liked it, no she hated it.

"You just have to ask me to help you."

The person still had that grin on his face but it turned into a evil one. In the eyes of the person she could see an evil glint. She let out a sigh and shuffled her cards again and then trying to look into her card to decided who she should target as next. She blink a few time as she saw an rainbow card. Until her lips twitched up into an cruel smile. Now she knew who she will target. 

"Fine but not as yourself. I don't want us to be revealed that fast. Try to get  someone  to the hero duelist and I  will send someone who goes for that crystal beast user."

"Pff as if I would do that. Then let's do this."

Both that person and herself were beginning to plan that whole thing. Let's see how you will manage this Jaden Yuki and Jesse Anderson....


What both hadn't realized that there was actually someone who watched these two and the worried expression behind a hood. He head his arms folded and looked disappointed at his mistress. He will protect Jesse and Jaden that was the last thing he did, she gave him a mission before everything started. Lucky for him that thing had no clue and it better stayed like that. Why did it have to be his mistress? And how did it come to this?....


His conscious got awoke by someone shaking him as he looked around he saw a person, a little girl. The person had a soft smile on her lips as he put her hand in front of her. Without hesitation he took it. He smiled back at her, a warmth was spreading in him. As he looked around he noticed two other people by that little girl. One had brown hair and brown eyes and the other had turquoise blue hair and green eyes. Both of them had a worried expression as they looked at him.

He knew them of course as that little girl was the person who made him. He was actually a card but because of an unknown reason he can get out as a real person. For Shino he couldn't care less as he now can protect them.

"Are you alright?" -Both of them said at the same time. It was funny how similar those two were. He grinned at them and nodded. He still had to be near his card. She gave it to him telling him that not always she would be there. She actually can predict with looking at her cards the future and so far it always was got true.  He had to promise her that he would protect the two friends he hold dear...


|| This is not the right time to think back on the past. I have I will protect them at all cost....||

With that he turned around. That was a battle he had to fight alone. One thing was clear that wasn't this person right now wasn't her anymore. 

//Jaden and Jesse I have to put my faith into you two. I am sure you can help her how you did with Satorious...//

Hehe I thought I make it that Jesse and Jaden actually have met before. Everything will revealed in the story later on and why they don't remember that they have met as a kid. 

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