Chapter 14

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It was a huge surprise to him that suddenly a male rescued Luna but he felt happy about it. Now he can finally win that duel. What he didn't expect was that he felt Haou's surprise this meant that he probably knew that person. Jaden decided to ask later on right now he had a duel to win...

Time Skip

He won and was relieved about it but the person disappeared which made him just wonder more what was happening. A sigh escaped out of his mouth a he felt exhausted and had to sit down. It was probably that he had adrenaline in him that he didn't notice how exhausted he was. Not really a surprise he had to use that ability of Haou again. 

"Jay, you alright?"

That brought him back out of his musing and looking now at the person who called him. It was so familiar. This person looked like the person who was in his dreams.

"Ya, I am just exhausted. Luna are you alright?"

He looked now right next to the girl. 

"Yeah, no worries thanks to Jesse I am feeling better."

"That's what now?"

//Jaden you should bring her home first...//

He thought about it for a bit before he answered back to Haou...

//I see no problem with it other than, that I have no clue where she lives...//

Haou stood silent and now he felt eyes on him. Whoops seemed he was too occupied with talking that hw forgot the other two...

"Sorry was on my mind."

"Jay I was thinking that the best idea would be now, bringing Luna home and after that, we have a talk."

He blinked a few times that was the same thought he had. The last part made him feel slightly nervous.

"Yeah, Luna you show us the way to your home. I am pretty sure that you will be worried."

"Oh! Yeah, and I am pretty sure that they are searching for me by now."

With that, Jaden stood up. A shiver ran through his spine. Yusei won't like what had happened. He just hoped that he wouldn't be too angry at him for not telling him anything...

"Jay, you sure that you can walk alone?"

"Geeeze you're a worrywart. Yes, I can manage."

He could feel the worried emotion in Jesse, his expression showed it as well. Luna looked at him with a worried glance.

"Alright...Jesse, you help him out, please. I don't want him to be passed out."

He saw her fold her arms together. With that, he knew the other person couldn't say no to her. Not when she looked at Jesse with puppy eyes.

"You heard the Lady Jay."

His expression changed into a grin, which made him pout slightly. They are worrying too much. He was just exhausted nothing more.


He could feel the amusement of Jesse and Luna as well. With that, Jesse made his way up to him and crouched down. Jaden silently put his arms around the neck of him, so that he could carry him on the back.

"Show me the way, Luna."

Jaden stayed silent as he heard in his mind someone chuckling slightly. He knew who it was which made him just pout more...

//How cute getting rescued from your boyfriend...//

//That's n-not how it is Haou!...//

His cheek got a slight shade of pink he heard that. He heard him laugh at his embarrassment. Why was he embarrassed? 

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