Chapter 5 part 2

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Yusei smiled innocently as he said that to the two and both of them let out a sigh and gave some money to him. To which he gladly accepted it. Jaden who saw this raised an amused eyebrow but he knew that this had happened as Yusei told him about the bet. Jaden didn't know what that bet was but now he knew.

"Can we now go please~!"

"Oh yeah let's go then."

With this, he gave him a blue helm and Yusei did put his red helmet on his head, himself did the same. As next he sat down and looking at Jaden which he complied sitting behind him and putting his arms around his friend. Both Jack and Crow did the same thing and with that, they were going to ride to a direction.


Haou Pov

He was angry. Pissed at the person who has made Jaden forget everything but that wasn't everything. Both himself and Yubel just can't come into contact with him. He just didn't know what to do so he tried to come into contact with Jaden into his dreams but that didn't seem to work as he just couldn't hear them.

Whoever had done this will have to pay hell for that. This is something that he swears and not just that he was pissed that Jaden got injured because of that. Yubel was as well not at all happy lucky his healing ability still worked. Maybe he could still try to help him with that duel. He really hoped that he can at least try to help him like that.

"Haou we have to try something or Jaden will be in danger but not just him but Yusei as well. He wanted to have not just him out of his way but for us too. That is probably the reason why he did that."

That was something that he guesses. He knew Yubel was right but it pisses him off. That a mortal did manage to make do this and that all because of a measly card.

"He really got us there. I am pissed that I can't help him for christ sake he was the person who accepted me."

This was unusual for himself as normally his voice was monotone but right now you could hear it in his voice that he was angry, no scratch this he is pissed. Haou would probably kill that person but something told him that this person was just a puppet for something much bigger.

"I know Haou your not alone. He fused my soul into his and accepted me again. I was stupid and regret what happened but we can't do anything at this moment. Maybe when he would pull out either my card or Polymerization we could at least help him. I am not gonna lie but I kind of miss him."

That made his brow raised as normally Yubel wasn't someone who would just tell that to him. Or maybe she would but she wasn't the only person. Himself he missed it to talk to him and more than that to tease him about Jesse. After all, that idiot has a huge crush on him.

"Yeah let's just hope that we can somehow get to Jaden before it is too late to warn him about the danger that will come0..."


They arrived not too soon there and Jaden felt like something in him was restless. Maybe he was just imagining it? He wasn't exactly sure but something wanted him to do something but what it was he wasn't sure. He pondered the whole way not really noticing that they got to their destination.


That brought him back to reality all he did was hum to Yusei.

"Gosh Jay, what is on your mind this time? Like I called you a dozen time and you just now reacted."

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