Chapter 9

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??? Pov

Somewhere Unknown...

Someone was humming a happy tune. He was happy that a particular crystal duelist is following his instincts or better that gut feeling that a person has. He had to get to him and trying to get him in the future or else that person would be in huge danger. This was something that he had to do before it knows that he is helping both the hero duelist and the cristal duelist. Heck, he knew that the hero duelist doesn't have his memory anymore because of that card. He hoped that he could at least help them out. His plan worked so far. He managed to get the supreme king and Jaden in contact. But that wouldn't have been possible without him drawing that card but lucky his plan worked so far. Right now no one had noticed so far what he is doing and when it would notice he could not stop it. His grin widens as he thought about that face what it would give to him when it noticed that his plan would get more difficult. After this, he sadly won't be of use anymore as his energy will be finished and he will be sadly dying. He hoped that the crystal card user and his crystal beast will be ready for this...


It was now midday and Yusei gave up on trying to concentrate on his work. He was too occupied at thinking about Jaden. The reason why was simple he hasn't woke up yet which made him just feel too worried and so he was now sitting on a chair, right next on the bed. All he hoped that Jaden was alright and when he used his psyche ability he didn't get injured...

His mind was that occupied that he hasn't noticed the slowly woken Jaden up until he heard a loud gasp, which made him come back to reality. He blinked a few times in surprised and looked at Jaden with a worried expression.

"Morning sleepy head. How are you feeling?"

There was groaning from the person as he rubbed his eyes in a sleepy manner. It seemed that he wasn't exactly a morning person.

"Mornin' Yusei am tired and hungry."

How he looked like at this moment was absolutely adorable.

"Alright will go make you something. Stay here and not move do you understand?"

All he heard was another groaning but he probably guessed that he wanted to move. Which Yusei wasn't letting Jaden do.

"Jaden listen carefully to me you used your psych power and because of that, you're passed out after that duel. I don't want you to pass out again because you didn't have the energy."

A sigh escaped out of the person who was laying in bed and pouting slightly before giving a little nod. That made him satisfied and giving him a little grin and ruffling his hair in a brotherly manner. This made Jaden just pout more, which led to Yusei grinning slightly more.

"I will go now making you something to eat until later."

With that, he made his way out of the room with a satisfied grin on his lips. He was happy that Jaden woke up and was feeling well.


As Jaden was alone he let out a sigh. That affection of Yusei was something he got used to and it wasn't just Yusei but Crow was someone as well who has done that to him sometimes. To him, Yusei was like a big brother. Like Crow and funny enough Jack too. He didn't exactly show it which made him believe that he was a real life Tsundere. He wasn't exactly minding that he ruffled his hair. Jaden wasn't really used that kind of affection. What he just couldn't know the reason behind it. Maybe it had to do with his past. He shrugged it off because right now he had better things to think of. That dream wasn't exactly one and he felt more whole again with meeting Haou and managing to talk to him.

//Jaden can you hear me?//

That made him look around as he heard that familiar voice. It made him realize that he heard him probably in his thoughts.

//Ya I heard you clearly. So what's up?//

//Just thought I try to contact you. Seems like it worked...Heh seems like you found your big brother figure in Yusei didn't you. How cute.//


It seemed familiar that Haou was teasing him. Maybe that was something that often happened. He still couldn't remember anything but that familiar feeling made him feel at least better...

//Aww is there someone embarrassed//

That made Jaden's cheek get a bright shade of red.

//Yes...he feels like an older brother do you have any problem with that?//

It got silence for a bit, in his mind before full-blown laughter came out of Haou. It was weird how the laughter seemed familiar to him,other than that his voice was so much deeper than himself.

//Oh boy I missed teasing you and about your question, no. I am actually glad that you found someone you can rely on.//

This made him have a soft smile on his lips. He wasn't sure why he felt relieved that he accepted that. It was more a guess he had, probably because those two share the same soul he wanted to make him decide stuff as well.

//Mou Haou for a second I thought you would not like it...//

//You know what's funny?//

//Nop tell me?//

He tilted his head slightly as he was confused at Haou about him thinking this situation as funny...

//That you always ask us about our opinion about other people as well. It's funny to me, you know you don't remember anything but you still are the same person.//

The voice from Haou was still monotone but there was melancholy in it.

//I see...I am sorry that I forgot about you and uh this Yubel person...//

It was a long pause in his mind from Haou as he waited for him to say something.

// Sigh don't you dare to apologize for something that wasn't your fault. This was the fault from that was the fault of that thing. I will go now back to sleep.//

//Geez, I won't apologize anymore and sleep well//

Before everything got quiet he heard a deep hum. With that everything got quiet again. The quietness made him feel sleepy again and before he realized it he nodded off, with a little smile on his lips. Happy that he had a part back of himself...

______________________________________________________________________________I made this oc. He places a huge role in this fanfic but I won't be telling what role exactly so you have to wait. Everything will be revealed later on hehe...

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