Chapter 13

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That was the last thing he heard and then everything got black. With that, he lost his conscious...

A groan escaped out of his mouth as he slowly opened his eyes. He had a huge headache and at first, he didn't remember what happened. It didn't take long and he got fast up and looked around. Wherever he was, it looked like an industrial area. He cursed under his breath as he remembers what this person told him before he lost unconsciously. Shaking his head and looking around, this place was unfamiliar. He just had no clue where he was.  A sigh escaped out of his mouth as he ruffled his hair in annoyance. This person for sure send him there but why? Had this person to do with the disappearance from Jay?

Now that he thought about it could this be in the future he was right now? Eh, he will find out later on right now he first has to see the whole picture. That meant he had to look...

"Rubi! Rubi!"

He blinked a few times as he was brought back to reality from Rubin. Now that he was back he realized he was still sitting. 

"Oh sorry, Rubin. I kind of spaced out hehe...So what's up?"

All Rubin had done was flying somewhere but looking back at him to see that he was following her. It took some time as his headache wasn't exactly getting better but he felt that Jay needed his help. This wasn't the first time he felt this and so as she stopped at a building with a number 45 on it. He felt something else a dark presence. He felt that before but it wasn't making sense to him. Rubin was now sitting on his shoulder and telling him to go in there. He slowly entered and the first thing he saw was someone hanging above. This made his eyebrow twitch in anger. Who dares to do that to a little girl! So he looked around and noticed that he can get up there. 

As Jesse was silently running up. Now that he was up there he noticed that Jay was dueling with...Mr.T! This made him curse slightly and it looked like Jaden was in a pinch. Great, just great! He continued to run. As he was now above her he noticed that she had some device on her. Whatever this was would not be good. It was probably lucky that both haven't noticed him yet and it should stay like this. He took the robust cord which she was bound and slowly pulling her up. With that, she looked up and had a surprised expression and not just him Jaden noticed now that he was up there. He could feel the confusion in him, so he gave him a nod. Letting out a sigh as she was now up.  The girl's eyes were still big because of the surprise...

"Oh my you..."

He frowned slightly as he saw her shaking. This was making his blood boil, looking now down and glaring at Mr.T.

"Jay kick his ass!"

"Don't have to tell me twice! I can't win as long she has that device on her!"

Jesse could feel that he was frustrated. Which he wasn't exactly surprised it looked to him that this girl was one of his friends. Then he could feel eyes on him. The eyes were glaring at him which made him realize that it was the other duelist, who was glaring at him. 

//Seems like he didn't expect me to be here and stopping his plans...//

With that, he pulled out of his bag in front of him, which was still with him when he woke up, opening it and looking through it. It wasn't that long as he found what he needed. He had a swiss knife with him, one of the bigger ones, as he knew that he needed some stuff. With Jay, you can't be really sure. Not after everything happened, so he wanted to be prepared. At first, he cut through the cord as it was not out of metal. The next part was to get that weird device of her, so he opened on the swiss knife the screw diver (i think was the name of that not sure tho...) and destroying it. (Can't explain it better sorry >.<)

With that, the duel continued but this wasn't his worries right now. The girl was still shaking and right now he had calm her down.

"Hey what's your name?"

His voice was soft and his smile softens as well.

"I...uh am Luna..."

Her voice was as shaky then he was and Rubin disappeared. Maybe he should call her back here?

"I am Jesse. Ya know the person down there is my friend Jay. Geeze Jay had to get into trouble again."

He ruffled his turquoise hair and shaking his head, as he looked down watching the duel. He heard a little giggle of the girl which made him realize what he said. Oh, boy Jay he hoped that he wouldn't be too angry saying that to her.

"Nice to meet you, Jesse. Are you the Jesse Anderson with the crystal beast deck?"

That made his eyes go wide as she said this.

"Yeah uh.."

"Woah cool. Leo my twin will be so freaking out. He is a huge fan of yours So how did you get here?"

This wasn't a surprise as he had fan's but not that many. That meant to him that in future he would be known more.

"Huh, I see...And about the other part I uh..."

The first part made him be slightly flustered. That was something eh just couldn't get used to. As next, he began to frown as he tried to remember how he got here. All he remembered winning that duel and then blank. Like he remembered someone saying something about Jay but he just couldn't remember exactly what that person said to him.

"Maybe you will remember later on but I can't say that to Jaden. His memory still hasn't returned and I am worried about him. Do you...uh think he is alright?"

That made him blink and then ruffling her hair with a soft smile.

"This is Jay we are talking about. He will be fine. I know he will win that duel. The best is we are going down now don't you think?"

He could see slightly pink on her cheeks. Which made him confused. He just shrugged it off as he was making his way downstairs after he was sure she was following him...

Here we go the next chapter got finished. I hope you enjoyed it see you in the next  chapter ^^

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