A New Hero

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"Sara I'm home," Ava threw her keys onto the counter as she placed her jacket, folded neatly on the counter chair.

"You windup way to much before throwing a punch, you don't want to give your enemies time to see that it leaves you open," Sara pushed the taller girl from the ribs.

The brunette stumbled back before she lowered her stance and placed both her hands open in front of her. Her left foot in front of her right, her right hand folded near her chest and her left extended in front of her. (Like Bruce Lee)

"I'll stick to this style, mom." 

"If you manage to pin me, I'll get you that bow you've been eyeing ," Sara smirked.

The smile on the younger's face grew as she was more determined to finally pin down her former assassin mother.

Ava walked in the moment her wife and her daughter began to spar, missing the little agreement that came before. The taller blond rolled her eyes, of course she would find the two in the house's sparring room. She leaned on the frame where the door use to be, before her daughter took a spar to far and broke the door to pieces, she crossed her arms and watched.

Sara threw the first punch, Emily on the other hand pushed it out of the way and wrapped her left hand on Sara's right wrist. From there it began a dance of finding an opening. Several times Emily was able to push Sara away to get some distance but she was never able to get any further than a few hits at Sara's face.

Ava went to go make dinner, after watching the two spar for twenty minutes.

The younger payed to much attention on her mother's fists that she didn't notice Sara's leg sliding behind her own. In an instant her face was pushed against the mat and her right arm pulled behind her back. Normally that would be where she would tap out, but this time she didn't but Sara loosened her grip anyway. Taking the perfect opportunity Emily elbowed Sara in the stomach and leg swiped her so Sara's back collided with the floor. Before Sara could get up Emily grabbed her mother's arm and wrapped her legs around it, threatening to dislocated if she didn't tap out.

When Sara tapped out an ear pinching squeal echoed throughout the whole house.
"YESSSSSS!" Emily released Sara and swung her legs in the air.

Sara smirked, stood and grabbed a towel. She took Emily's towel and threw it towards her. Sara pulled her up and patted her back.
"Good job, bud."

"I was smart to get the whole thing on video. I'm gonna watch it again," Emily ran towards the camera she set up earlier.

"Alright, you can watch that later after we eat."

The two made it to the kitchen still in their sports bra and leggings. They both sat at the counter as Ava was making the finishing touches.

"How was you day, Em?" Ava asked as she placed two plates in front of Emily and Sara before taking her own plate to sit on Emily's right side.

"Aunt Felicity is letting me intern at Smoak Tech." Emily said before she stuffed her face with the pasta Ava just cooked.

"That's awesome!" Ava hugged you.

"I'm not done, I got my lab report back today. The highest score out of all his classes."

"Wow, look at our little smarty." Sara nudged her daughter teasingly.

"I also pinned mom down for the first time."

"She did, she caught me by surprise too."

"Yep, and because I was able to pin mom, she is getting me an Oneida Slayer," Emily took another bite of her pasta.

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