Ghost of Legend's Present

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Despite the effort, no matter how hard Sara tried she spent the rest of the night —morning actually— trying to fall back asleep. She tossed and turned as she waited for sleep to take over. She sighed before she threw her duvet over Ava and went into her office.

"Gideon? What do you know about the multiverse?"

"Well after the Crisis on Infinite Earths a lot of our multiverse friends have made little to no contact. It seems that the multiverse all collapsed into one universe."

"So what you're saying is that there is no multiverse?"

"Somewhere in time yes... Rip Hunter discovered what is known as Hypertime."

"Hypertime?" Sara questioned and passed her office.

"It was an early attempt to save the multiverse. Alternate realities that diverged into one main timeline."

"I'm very confused. This is not a conversation to be having at 6:00 am in the morning" Sara sat on the edge of the desk.

"Well Captain, the Hypertimelines are the multiverse. These changes range from the difference of a person's outfit to a complete rewriting of a person's history."

"Gideon... you could've just said the multiverse existed."

"Yes, due to Rip Hunter's and Barry Allen's sacrifice."

"Okay, is there a way you can contact another multiverse?"

"Not at the moment, but a friend of ours in Central City can."

Sara nodded and headed back into her room. She knew that not telling anyone where she went would turn out to be a rescue mission. She sat on her side of the bed and gently caressed a strand of Ava's hair out of the way. Ava stirred slightly before she yawned and smiled at Sara.

"I'm gonna get some city air."

Ava held onto Sara's hand and pressed a long kiss on it. Truthfully after Emily's death the two haven't been able to share small moments like the one they shared now.

Ava went back to work earlier than Sara, mainly to distract her from the loss. From clones to purgatory, after she and Sara adopted little Emily she truly knew fear. She definitely understood what it meant to wear her heart on the outside of her body.

"Come back to me Sara," Sara leaned down to kiss Ava's lips.

"I will always come back. Plus when did a Legend ever go quietly." Ava chuckled and pulled Sara in for another kiss.

For a high tech lab and the headquarters to a team full of meta powered superheroes it was awfully easy to get into. As Sara neared Cisco's workshop Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch blasted in the room. Cisco's head bopped up and down as he had tweezers in his hand as he worked on some device Sara had no idea what it was about. Sara slightly heard the slight mumbles before she looked around for where the said music came from.

"I'm pickin' up good vibrations! She's giving me e- Not cool," Cisco glared at Sara. "What you don't have some history to save?"

"The inmates already took over the asylum. And I need your help."

"My help?" Cisco swiveled back into his work. "The famous White Canary needs Cisco Ramon's help. Yeah right." Cisco laughed.

When he turned back around he found Sara with her arms crossed and her eye brows raised.

"You're serious?" Cisco pointed his tweezer at Sara.

"Fine, I'll go ask Felicity," Sara turned around and took a few steps.

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