Rise Of The Huntress

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Emily's hair was tied into a messy bun with strands of hair that hung from both sides of her face. She wore a purple oversized hoodie that was left in her guest room closet for emergencies. This was no emergency but Emily didn't feel comfortable in the clothes she wore to kill someone that morning.

She continued to ignore everyone's existence in Kara's and Lena's shared penthouse. Despite the massive living room, family room and the three bedrooms, Emily was still forced to sit on the black leather couch where game night was being hosted. Emily sat criss-crossed on the far right side of the couch as a tall glass of water sat in her lap.

Everyone else sat around the wooden coffee table on the white furred rug, some cheered and some groaned which made Emily restless. While Michelle rolled all five dices, the adults talked about the murders that happened around National City all thanks to Emily.

"I've analyzed the note found at the crime scene earlier, the results show that this huntress is not working alone. The only problem is that the two hand writings belong to Robert Queen and Moira Merlin both dead since 2007 and 2014." Brainy explained

"So this Huntress is crossing off names on the list for revenge, yet leaving no evidence what so ever," Lena sipped her glass of wine before she placed the glass back on the coffee table.

"How do we know it's a Huntress and not a Hunter?" Kelly asked.

"Huntresses are usually behind the Hunters, the leaders you can call it," Nia cleared her throat as Brainy lied. "Uh, Nia dreamed a women's silhouette."

"You dreamt about the Huntress?" Kara leaned against the couch. "That's great we can catch her!"

"Well whoever the Huntress is, she knows what she is doing. I haven't been able to get anything off her," Nia sighed.

"Surprised the Huntress even last this long considering the time to be a serial killer has past due to the technology," Alex geeked out.

The door bell rang which caused everyone to look at the door as no other guests were invited. Emily snuck away to her shared room, with her back laid flat against the queen sized bed as her legs hung off the corner. She brought her right hand up in front of her head, beside her on the nightstand sat her keys to her penthouse. Without moving, her hand glowed it's signature blue. The moment the keys flew in the air, her hand was enveloped with black mist and the keys stabbed into Emily's hand.

"Fucking bitch," Emily cursed as she sat up and pulled the keys from her hand. "Let's not use your powers anymore," Emily spoke to herself.

She didn't have time to heal herself when loud music started to blare around Supercorp's penthouse. Kara didn't like loud music due to her kyptonian hearing and Lena was definitely not the one to host a house party with strangers. Emily opened the door and was shocked to find strangers grinding, kissing and trashing the place. From the corner of her eye she caught a hooded person with a cross bow.

"No, no not here." Emily desperately followed the hooded person.

She followed her into the living room, but once she entered the hooded figure was gone. The noise in the back ground disappeared and only dead bodies littered the room. Emily walked towards the other side of the room warily, each corpse a victim of her murders.

"Lena! Michelle! Are you guys okay?" Emily stalked towards the family room.

She froze when she found Lena and Michelle lifeless on the ground.

"Kara! Alex!"

Emily grunted when an arrow impaled her abdomen. The youngest Lance applied pressure on her wound. The hooded arbalest stepped out of the shadows with an evil smirk.

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