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Emily sat in Noonan's Restaurant and ate a lettuce wrap that contained avocados, tomatoes, black beans, corn salsa, cheddar cheese with zesty pepita dressing wrapped in a spinach tortilla.

Nothing better to do than eat when you're stressed and out of energy. Sleep was always an option but Emily wanted to be alone and didn't want to face anyone. It was her first birthday she spent without Ava or Sara. Even when she was first born she was by their side, at least that was what she was told. Ava once told Emily that the minute she was born her and Sara were there to meet their little bundle of joy once she was all cleaned.

Emily leaned back in her chair to drink her Latte when someone bumped into her shoulder, which caused her to spill her latte on herself.

"Hey watch it!" Emily growled while she took napkins to clean her shirt.

"I'm so sorry. Let me pay you back by taking you out to dinner," the woman took napkins and tried to wipe of the spilled remains.

Emily however froze after she recognized the girl's voice.

"Sorry again. I'm Mia." She stuck out her hand.

"It's nothing, Mia. I-I'm Emily."

"Emily, you have a beautiful name. And it fits with a beautiful person like you. Are you new here?"

"Uh- I- Yeah I moved to National City four months ago. I lived in DC before." Emily didn't completely lie.

"Since you're new here. You wouldn't mind if I gave you a tour?" Mia smiled.

"I would love that," Emily returned her smile and forgot all about the spilled coffee on her shirt.

Alex, Maggie, and Lena continuously called Emily on the phone they got her for Earth-38. Kara, Brainy and Nia tried to search for Emily, however due to being an assassin's daughter she knew how to hide when she wanted to hide.

Super-friends panicked when another alarm indicated radiation from the same morning. Alex, as the director of the DEO, ordered her top analysts to figure out why this chemical monster was still alive.

Kara changed into her alter ego Supergirl, as so did the rest of the Super-friends. Lena and James went to track down Ramsey Norton. However as Lena and James questioned Norton again he went angry. It wasn't like the Incredible Hulk more like Dr. Frankenstein, guilty when the creature started doing harm.

"If you made it, you would know how to stop it," James crossed his arms over his chest.

"You can't stop it, the chemicals in him will always bring him back."

"Then what is holding the chemicals in this form." Lena glared.

"I-it's a plastic covering. A mold."

"What brought him to life?"

"It wasn't suppose to be like this, I was suppose to cure world hunger!"

"I love your effort but that didn't go as planned."

Lena walked out without James after having had all the information she needed. However at the moment Lena had no idea how to stop Chemo. Alex, Maggie and Lena were more worried about Emily than having their attention on Chemo.

"Emily where are you?" Lena desperately looked for Emily's energy source. The energy source that was tracked by the DEO to know whenever Emily used her powers.

Emily walked down Main St. with Mia. Her mind raced and she couldn't say a proper sentence at all. If Mia was here on Earth-38 was there a possibility that Sara and Ava were alive on this Earth? Was there a possibility that the Bureau was in a different location? Was there a possibility that there was another Emily who lived with her birth parents?

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