Chapter twenty five

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Russell was sitting in his hotel room thinking about what his life had become.
He really did have it all.  Good looks, a good job, money, a gorgeous wife, a smart, healthy daughter. But most of that had all went away a few months ago, because of a stupid mistake he made. Russell lost his family. The most important thing to him.
He had known for quite sometime he and Madison were going to end soon. He knew they could work things out if they had tried. They wouldn't be in this mess if he had just talked to her. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise. If this hadn't happened Madison would still be ignoring her family at home. She wouldn't have contacted or seen them if this didn't happen. Russell may have broken her heart but her family was helping her heal.
Today Russell would find out the results. Those result would change his life entirely. Waiting for the results was nerve racking. He would find out if he had three more children. If they were his kids. He doesn't know what he would do. Would he fight for full custody? Or should he let her take them, And leave them alone? Would he pay the child support? He was lost and didn't know what to do. He knew who would know what to do. Madison would guide him. But she's been a bit stand off ish lately.

Back at Madison's house.
Madison was getting ready for the day. She had to go to work today. She had a few appointments today with some patients. She was also on call with emergency. She was now realizing she was crazy for still going to work at six months pregnant. But at least she took maternity leave at NCIS. Because all she wanted to do today was to stay in bed and watch tv. She had thought about calling in sick again for the third time this week. But she thought it wouldn't be fair to her patients.

20 minutes later
Madison and Asheel were on there way. Madison dropped asheel off at preschool. Then stopped at Starbucks to grab her third decaf coffee of the day. She wondered why she kept telling her self it woke her up but it didn't. It somehow made her even more tired.
Later that afternoon Madison was on a lunch break. She was sitting outside the hospital on a nice bright and sunny day. When she spotted someone familiar standing in line for coffee. It had taken her a few moments to realize who he was. Then it hit her it was Lucas, her first real boyfriend. Madison was shocked to see him there. He was a great first boyfriend, he was so kind and sweet to Madison. Her whole family had liked him, they had hoped Madison would Marry him. But they had lost touch and didn't connect like her and Russell did. Lucas was a great guy and all but he wasn't the one for her. Madison hadn't realized she was starring so hard at him until she noticed he started walking towards her.

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