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I walked into the kitchen, adjusting my eyes as I looked around. The room was almost pitch black with the only light coming from under the closed door. Even the curtains were closed. Where is Ryder?

In a moments notice, Ryder walked in with a clap of his hands, causing me to jump.

"You just gave me a heart attack," I said breathing heavily. He laughed at my response. "Is it okay that I'm in my PJ's? I didn't know where we were going."

"Yeh that's perfect, come on."

Ryder lead me towards the game room in a comfortable silence. Different smells of food flowed through the hallway almost causing me to drool.

As we walked inside, I took in the sight around me. There were blankets scattered on the two large beanbags, as well as all over the floor. Different foods were laid out on top of them. There was a pizza box, surrounded by two plates of bacon, ice-cream and a few bottles of cool drink. My eyes trailed around the rest of the room and stopped at the tv. The screen was paused, with the words "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" written on it.

My mouth dropped open as I ran to the beanbags, "Hurry up! Hurry up!" I whined as I watched him walk over slowly.

"You sound like a child," he chuckled. I grinned at him and then looked back at the tv. Ryder reached forward, grabbing the remote and pressing the play button. The familiar music began playing as Lady Galadriel started her monologue. "The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it." I continued saying her monologue word for word as Ryder watched me. His fascial expression was mixed between shocked and impressed. My face would also be like that if I saw someone repeating the words to Lord of the Rings off by heart.

"How do you know all the words?" He asked once I had stopped.

"I did a monologue on it during school," I said slightly embarrassed. He chuckled again before returning to the tv.

We had finished all the food before we had passed the halfway mark. Well to be fair, it is three hours long. During the last hour I began to get tired. So much had happened during the course of the day and my brain couldn't handle it. Ryder was actually being nice to me, a little too nice, but that didn't bother me. What bothered me was the thought that he would change when the guys got back. Ryder noticed my constant yawning and asked if I wanted to go to sleep, but I said no. That probably wasn't the best answer as I fell asleep before the ending.


I was back in my bed when I woke up. Did I walk here last night? How did I get here? My phone started buzzing as I sat up. After checking the caller ID, I saw it was my dad.

"Hello," I answered

"Good morning, my darling. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks and you?"

"I'm doing fantastically!" He sang.

"Why are you in such a happy mood?" I chuckled.

"Because I am talking to my lovely daughter that's why."

"Wow dad really. You're so cheesy. So why did you call?" I really dreaded his answer. What if he knows I'm not staying at the apartment anymore? Does he know I haven't been going to school?

"I wanted to know if you would like to come around for lunch on Sunday?" How do I tell him no?

"That sounds really nice. I am really swamped at the moment but I'll let you know."

"Great. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up and got out of bed. It wasn't even eight o'clock yet and the sun was already shining into my room. The air was warm so I decided to wear a jumpsuit. After making myself look presentable, I headed to the kitchen.

Ryder was already up, drinking some sort of shake.

"Morning," I said as I sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Hey," He said, placing the drink on the table. "So, I'm gonna go meet up with the boys today. I'll try be back tomorrow afternoon. If I get things sorted then I can bring them back."

"Oh, so I'm going to be here by myself?" Ryder trusts me to stay here by myself? That doesn't seem right.

"I'm not worried. The property is secured, the gate is guarded and there's cameras everywhere so I can keep an eye on you." He winked.

"E-everywhere?" I stuttered.

"Everywhere but the bedrooms and bathrooms," Ryder reassured me. I nodded at his answer. Thank goodness. At least I still have some privacy.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

He turned his attention to the expensive looking watch on his arm, "Any minute now."

We continued with small talk for a few minutes until he had to go. The goodbye was awkward. It looked like he wanted to hug me but he didn't. Eventually we just waved and he left.

I walked to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I cringed at the taste of the orange juice mixing with my toothpaste.

All the curtains were open, lighting up the room. The pool was glistening, inviting me to it. I placed my glass in the sink and looked at the pool again.

I have this mansion to myself, why not go and enjoy it. I sprinted up the stairs and changed into my costume, grabbing my phone, speaker, book and towel.


My phone had died by the end of the day and my book was nearly finished. My pale skin was now a few shades darker creating visible tan lines.

The sun had started to set and the wind had picked up. I gathered my belongings and headed back inside. Once I had put everything inside and locked up the doors, the sky was almost completing black.

I was searching the walls trying to find the light switch when I was shoved hardly against the wall.

"Ow!" I cried out in pain.

"Ssh," The voiced whispered. From what I heard, it was defiantly a man, an older man. I tried to get away but he tightened his hold around my arms. His nails were digging into my skin and his knee was pressing onto my thigh.

"Let me go!" I cried again.

He brought his face to mine and whispered, "Be quiet you little bitch!" His breath smelt of alcohol and smoke. I wanted to be sick from the smell.

The man forced himself onto me and began to kiss me. I shut my mouth tight as tears fell down my face. A loud noise echoed through the room as his hand connected to my face. I opened my mouth to let out a scream but nothing came out as he forced his tongue inside. He moved his mouth roughly against mine as I stood there frozen.

He moved away from my mouth catching his breath. My face was now drenched from tears and my mouth had a revolting taste in it.

He released one of his hands from my wrists and moved it towards my leg. I started to move around in attempt to get away from him again, but he gripped his nails further into my wrist. His fingers began to trace lines up and down my inner thigh, moving closer each time. I was crying even move than before, creating strangled noises.

"I said be quiet!" He shouted, slapping my face again. I shut my mouth to prevent any more noises but allowed the tears to carry on. The man was now playing with the ties of my bikini, pulling the strings further each time. I felt the bikini loosening around me. This was my last chance to stop him. I used every bit of force I had to kick him before falling to the ground.

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