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I sat on my bed and opened my bag. Everything was still in it. I took out my laptop and put it on the desk, along with its charger. The next thing I took out was my photo album. I flipped through a few pages, smiling at the different faces I saw and then placed the album in the bed side table so that it was always near me. The last item I pulled out of my bag was my phone.

There were seven messages. Five were from Amy and two were from Daniel.

Hey- Amy

Where are you? Class is about to start? - Amy

You missed class. Are you okay? – Amy

I went past your apartment and you weren't there? – Amy

Please just tell me youre okay? - Amy

I felt bad knowing that I was about to lie to her, but it was for her safety and for my own.

Hey. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. My aunt was rushed into hospital yesterday and her husband asked if I could come help with my little cousin. I left my charger at home and only just found one now. – Skyler.

I looked at the message for a minute before hitting send. Time to lie to Daniel.

Hey gorgeous – Daniel

Do you wanna go for dinner tonight? – Daniel

Hey Dan, sorry for getting back to you so late. Thank you for the offer, but I'm in the city. I have to watch my cousin for a while whilst my aunt is in hospital. Hope to see you soon x – Skyler

I was about to put my phone down when I got another message from Daniel.

No worries. I hope she gets better soon. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. – Daniel

Like I said, he's always here for me.


It was currently the third day of my strike. I hadn't left my room for three days. I hadn't left since I went to my apartment. My anger for everyone set in. Thomas and Jackson had come to check on me a few times and asked me to come out but I ignored them.

It was the third day that I had not eaten. I was able to drink thanks to there being a bathroom in my room, but it was starting to get to me. I needed to eat.

I decided on going to get something to eat during the early hours of the morning. Hopefully this way, no one will be around to ask me questions.

For the past three days, I binged Netflix, gave myself many spa treatments (which consisted of manicures, pedicures and face masks) and I even applied into an online university. I could continue economics but not design as there was no way I could hand in my different projects. It was sad but at least I could still do some form of studying.

It was 01:30 when I decided to go to the kitchen. I tip toed down the stairs trying not to make any noise. Once in the kitchen, I went to the pantry and searched it. There wasn't much that I could eat that didn't involve cooking or that wasn't junk food. I looked around the kitchen and found a fruit bowl in the corner. I decided on eating an apple, because an apple a day could chase the boys away if you throw it hard enough.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter looking around the room when I heard a door being unlocked. I froze and stayed quiet hoping that they would walk past. My wish did not come true. Jackson stumbled into the kitchen and put his jacket and keys on the table. He was wearing a short sleeved black shirt which hugged him tightly showing off his build. My eyes continued up his body to his face. I reddened as soon as I saw the smirk on his face- he was watching me.

I stopped chewing my apple and looked down to calm down as he said, "Well, well, look who we have here." I watched as he stumbled towards me.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine. The question is are you ok?" Jackson said, his words a little slurred. He stopped in front of me and looked me up and down. I was in my pyjamas which consisted of an extra-large shirt and some sleep shorts.

"I'm fine," I said. His closeness allowed me to study him properly. He had hazel eyes that went well with his light brown hair. His defined face matched his muscular body. The thing that surprised me was the fact that he had a lip ring, which he licked as I stopped my gaze on it. I looked at his eyes to see him already staring. My heart rate speed up.

I tore my gaze away and saw his neck. There were so many purple and red bruises up and down it. Had he gotten into a fight? "What happened?" I said with a concerned voice. I leant forward and touched them. Jackson didn't pull away like I expected him to. He actually leaned into the touch.

When I looked at him for an answer, he was smiling. "Your innocent mind is so cute." I blushed realizing that the bruises weren't from a fight but rather from an 'intimate time'.  His hand tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and then lifted my face up using his thumb.

He had moved closer towards me, now inches away from my face. "When did you get this?" I asked lifting my hand, touching his lip ring. I don't know what had gotten into me. A new-found confidence was in me. I don't know if I was caught up in the moment or what.

"I've always had it. I just don't wear it much during the day. Do you like it?" he asked. I nodded, my lips parting at bit.

Jackson leant in. I closed my eyes and lifted my head. He stopped, letting his lips slightly brush mine. I could feel his warm breath on me, but I could also smell alcohol. Jackson moved his head from my mouth to my ear and whispered, "Not whilst I'm drunk."

With that he walked out of the kitchen. My eyes were closed during the interaction but opened as soon as the heat left my body. What just happened?

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