chapter 1: 7

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The bell rang for the end of the school day and of course you would assume I'd be over the moon to finally go home and start my weekend, but that wasn't the case sadly.

I had detention.

My teacher caught me texting in class and all I had to do was give my phone up and then get it at the end of the period but I was in a frustrated state and ended up saying much more than what was needed and now I'm here in detention class with 10 other students. Students I usually don't get along with.

I'm a gay dude in a fucked up homophobic school so you can only imagine how close I was to loosing my shit when I felt a ball of paper being thrown at me from behind. I heard a few snickers come from behind me indicating that it was indeed Austin and his 2 other followers that were his so called "friends".

I decided to ignore them as I usually do because I know they're just looking for attention and a reaction from me. And I was not planning to react badly because the teacher was sitting in front of the classroom busy texting away on his phone.

I took a deep breath and put my head down on my arms as I laid on the desk. Maybe if I take a quick nap this shit will go quicker. I checked the time with a quick glance above the teachers head and it read 13:30.

After about 20mins (according to my brain) of laying in complete silence I lifted my head a bit to see the time and it read 13:37.

"Oh my fucking God" I groaned in annoyance deciding to sit up again and that's when I noticed Mr. Grayson was gone.

I took a quick scan of the room and also noticed that 3 other students were also missing . And it was Austin and his 2 bitches. Did Mr. Grayson take them out because of something bad? Did they just get up and walk after Mr. Grayson left? What the fuck happened in those so called "20 minutes"? I don't even remember sleeping actually.

But let's look on the bright side. Those 3 motherfuckers left and now I can actually enjoy my detention class. There was only 20 minutes left of detention and I prayed it moved quick.

As I got settled into my seat once more the intercom unexpectedly went on revealing a voice of male that I've never heard. It was usually the principal or the deputy principal but it wasn't one of them. Not even Mr. Grayson. The voice was darker and deeper. And being the gay hormonal dude I was, I found it very attractive.

"Hello fellow students. This is not your fellow principal or your other teaching staff. I am someone who goes by the name....7. Not even interesting I know. I am here today to play a cute little game..."

After that followed a creepy little chuckle that slightly made me a bit on edge.

"The game is very simple. Follow the rules or die..."

Excuse me what!?

"And please do not take this lightly. I am extremely serious. There are 4 classrooms filled with students. The art/drama class in the auditorium, the prom committee in the basketball area, the newspaper team in room 25 and the detention learners in room 41. In a few moments you all will black out and when you awake I expect there to be at least 1 person dead in your little group of people. You will have 20 minutes to kill that person and if not. I will then kill 2 of the people in that room. Ok. Great. Welcome to the Hollow Games"

And with that he went off leaving everyone completely stunned. 2 students even made an attempt to open the door but it was locked and that's when I noticed the smoke coming through the air vents. It wasn't long before people started dropping to the floor. I then felt my eye lids turn heavy and my body slip off the chair to the floor where i blacked out completely.

I hope y'all enjoyed
chapter 1.

The Hollow Games (#1: High School)Where stories live. Discover now