chapter 6: 1

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When me and Austin arrived at the pool area the two girls that were apart of the prom committee were sadly headless laying  on the ground with blood seeping out of their holes. Everyone just looked in horror and i was about ready to let loose on stage 2 of my puking session.

"You can close your eyes you know" Austin commented stepping closer to rub my back and I loved every moment

"Why do you care?" I asked him in a non-harshly manner

"Can't I care about people I-"

Before that beautiful sentence ended that fucking man interrupted.

He has the audacity to interrupt that sentence. He drugged me. He put a chip in my head. He made me kill my ex and his lover. He put my best friend, Ariah in this same situation. He made me see things that will give me nightmares forever. BUT he couldn't let Austin finish that ONE sentence.

Oh My God. Life means nothing at this point.

"Wow. Things got so spicy in that round. I quite enjoyed myself. I wish I had popcorn. But let's move on. I won't bother giving a body count because we all know what happened to the others sadly. Next round will be the finale....I think. I call this 1. Because at the end of this round there will be only be 1 winner. 1 survivor. And since this is a school and there aren't much killing equipment we have done the pleasure of putting a gun and machete in the pool if you haven't noticed. Make sure you get them quick. You will have 1 hour. Make sure you're the last one standing. Begin"

And with that Derek, Austin, Jasper and Ryan immediately sprung into the pool not giving a second guess.

Commotion then begun on the podium as both teams begun to scream at Derek and Austin to get the gun.

Ryan and Jasper were just trying to hold each other back from helping their so called team leader as they threw punches but also trying to catch their breath.

Derek and Austin begun to grab each other as they swam to the bottom trying to stop the other.

Derek, with one hand fighting Austin and the other reached out for the machete and successfully gripped it and at this point I begun screaming. It was useless but I was hoping my voice made it Austin's ears. Turns out it didn't because Derek ended up stabbing Austin and blood immediately filled the pool.

"Oh My God!" Emily shouted sucking in a breath trying to keep herself from crying

Without thinking I ended up diving into the pool and I made my way towards Austin, but before I did this I swam for the machete Derek decided to leave behind. He chose the gun which made things worse for us, I mean me. Teams weren't a thing anymore.

I swam myself and Austin up towards the surface and was met my Amber, Emily and Ariah he helped me get him out of the water first.

Derek and his so called team already left the premises and not even long before they were out of the pool area we heard gunshots.

So much for a "team".

They layed Austin onto the floor as he begun cursing and wincing as the wound obviously hurt and making it wet didnt help either.

"Get some towels!!" I shouted at anyone as I got out of the pool crawling to Austin's side, and the african-american dude ran for the stack of towels that stood beside the door

He brought back three towels and while he did that I ripped Austin's shirt off making the buttons shoot off. His body looked so good when it was moist but I sadly couldn't concentrate on that.

The wound was a vertical slit on the left side of his abdomen and with my poor doctor skills I grabbed one towel and rolled it up into small cylinder. I pressed it on the wound and told Amber to keep pressure on it. With the other two towels I wrapped it around his abdomen area with 2 knots on each side so the towels could keep the cylinder towel pressed against his wound.

"Get another. We need to get him warm!" I ordered and with that the dude ran once more "And by the way what the fuck is your name!?" I shouted in frustration because I was frankly tired of saying african-american  the entire time. It begun to sound racist.

"Jacob" He answered also bringing the towel

"Thank you" I said thanking him for not only the towel, but for his name too.

"Fuck! That motherfucker is dead!" Austin cursed out loud beginning to stand up

"Everyone is dead!" Emily shouted with anger. I could see she was scared. Me too.

"I don't care. I want that fucker dead" He continued to curse fully standing up holding onto his wound

"I'm sure he'll die. And you aren't suppose to move so much. That blade could've hit a nerve or some shit" I said concernly pointing to the blade, that wasn't on the floor anymore

"I'm ok mother" Austin said with sarcasm practically rolling off his mouth

I didn't pay attention to what he said I begun searching the floor for the machete. I even looked back into the pool but all I saw was a dead body that Ryan ended killing. I totally forgot about them.

"What are you looking for?" Austin wincing once more as he stepped closer to me

"The machete. I left it on the fl-"

Before I could finish the sentence Emily shouted a blood curling scream and everyone looked at Amber who stood with even more blood on her. Why?

Because she just chopped off Kevin's head with the machete.

"AMBER WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" I shouted in complete shock. Why would she do that!?!? Did Kevin try and attack her? How could he, he was fucking injured and looked halfway dead already!

"I. AM. NOT. DIEING. TODAY!" She shouted with every breath "I'm fighting until I'm the last person alive"

And with that she begun running towards us, the first person being Emily. Before Emily could even comprehend what was happening the machete shot through her body and cutting off her scream.

With that, everybody ran for the door. I grabbed Austin and he put his arm around my neck. Ariah was in the lead and so was Jacob, but that soon ended when the machete flew past my body stabbing Jacob right in the head and he dropped dead, literally.

"HOLY SHIT!" Austin screamed and we just kept running hoping a machete didn't hit us too

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