epilogue: lil taste

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this will be very short and sweet, i think.

It has been 5 months since the events of that day and my life has finally felt normal again.

At first I ended up getting bad dreams and weird paranoia but I have a very good psychiatrist and she has been helping me through it each day.

But enough about the bad. Let's focus on what's in front of me.

Austin was in front of me, his hands on my waist and my arms on his shoulders. We swayed to the music of some unknown artist as we stared into each others eyes.

It was prom. Prom of 2016. We ended up getting a new prom committee and luckily they didn't die.

We were all gathered in the basket ball court, that was now turned into a magical night of bliss. The theme was universe. My personal favourite.

Did I mention I'm part of the prom committee?

I must say I am amazing. Fight me. You can't.

"You look handsome you know" I said breaking the silence between us as we swayed

"I mean obviously, it's me" He spoke dramatically acting like such a gay

"That was so gay" I laughed out throwing my head back

"You're so gay" He said playfully

"Fuck you Butler" I spoke with the roll of my eyes

"Fuck you too Mr. Butler"

My heart stopped to recall what he just said. Did my hearing just explode? Is that damn chip still in my system?

"Oh my God chill it was a stupid joke!" Austin laughed when he saw how shocked I was. He kept laughing until I saw tears fall out of his face.

It wasn't even that fucking funny. I hate him. Imma kill him.

"I pray for you" A familiar voice said over my shoulder, it was Ryan

He was busy dancing with Ariah.

I looked towards a laughing Austin and just sighed. I love em.

"Thank you. I need that" I smirked back

After his little fun, Austin came back to me and we continued to dance.

"Are you ok now?"

"Yes. Yes I am. I have the right amount of drunks in my body and I'm ready" He said with excitement. Like he was about to climb mount everest or some shit.

"You did drunks?" I asked a bit stunned "Why?"

"I was nervous about today ok" He said looking down in shame, almost falling over

I gripped his shoulder to keep him up but with every second he grew heavier. Like he was about to fall.

"How much did you take?!" I asked with concern and just like that he dropped to the floor but before I could even scream for help everyone else dropped to the floor.

Not long after that I blacked out too.


My body suddenly begun to shake and I shot up breathing heavily.

I looked at my surroundings and saw Austin, Ryan and Ariah around me.

We were still at prom.

What the fuck just happened??

My question then suddenly got answered.

"Welcome. Now, my voice may sound a bit familiar to some of you in here today. I'm 7. And lets just say. I said I will be back. Please enjoy this little taste of what's the come"

And with that he disappeared.

What was coming!!? The entire crowd of students and teachers begun to make their way to the exits, but it turned out to be locked.

"We gotta leave" Ariah said anxiously and afraid

A loud noise then erupted followed by a huge scream of horror. Everyone's eyes followed and not all did everything go to complete shit.

Heads were being exploded throughout the crowd.

No warnings. Nothing.

My eyes landed on Ariah but before I could even move or react she shouted in pain and before I knew it. Her head was gone.

And so was Ryan's.

Oh no.

I hope y'all enjoyed.
There will be a sequel to this book.
And as y'all see the story was placed in 2016 even though its 2019, because the sequel will have a bit of a huge year difference, if u get it?? I doubt u will. You'll just see
I will publish it sooooon.

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