chapter 7: tastin' a dark rainbow.

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Austin and myself ended up in the storage room that was located on the 2nd floor in a very non-visited area in school. We decided to split up with Ariah and Ryan, which i didn't want, but before I could rant we heard Amber call and I just ran.

The storage room wasn't actually that bad. It was dusty but other than that it was nice and everyone was stored away very neatly. There was even a piano in the mix. Very old one. It was also locked like bitch! And when I say bitch I mean BITCH! Yes it was locked but when we unlocked it with a pin Austin found in other class it was still locked shut. But Austin did some weird technic shit. And no not kicking it down. That didn't help either, i tried. He just did a weird technic that fucked up my brain.

Me and Austin were seated far from the door in the back of the room behind some rumble that covered us perfectly if anyone decided to entire here. I also put some heavy shit in front of the door just in case. Even though sliding the door open was a challenge itself.

"You know we can't sit here forever" Austin looked over at me with a smile cocking his head upward

"I know, but I need to rest for a moment. Every second of this day has been so active and deadly. I need like 30 minutes. After that we can see who survived and just kill them off, hopefully it's not Ariah and Ryan" I replied

"So you hope somebody else kills them off?"

"Yes. At this point I came to turns that everyone I love or like will die, including myself maybe. So it'll be better if someone else kills my best friend and not me or you, because then I'll kill u" I said smiling at the end looking at him the same way he did a while ago

He chuckled at the comment and looked down licking his lips


"You said you came to terms with everyone that you love and like dieing, and I understand that Ariah is one of the people you love. But who are the people that you like?" He asked and I could tell he was so serious asking the question. He looked so deep into my soul. And his tone was so stern, fuck.

"Ermmm? What? N-no one" I stuttered immediately breaking eye contact

I was on fire. It suddenly got even hotter in here. And i just came out of a pool.

He cracked a bit of a smile and I thought he was about to change the subject but he didn't.

"Dawson, can I tell you something?" He asked looking down as he fiddled with his hands

That was the first time he said my name. Oh my God. Immediate orgasm. My heart immediately raced and I prayed that bitch called 7 didn't interrupt this beautiful moment.

I took a big swallow and said "Yes"

"I know you like me"

Fuck. That was not the moment I wanted right now.

"Whaaaaaaat?!?!" I said through my fake smile that was very visible

He immediately bursted out laughing.

"Yea. And you know it's true. You make shit very obsessive. Everyone knows. Ryan and Adam used to tease me on it. And at first I didn't think much of it, and then I ended up getting angry at them bringing up every time they saw I just decided to bully you. To show them I didn't like you back..."

Oh that statement killed my ego and pride and dignity and ass.

"....but truth is I did like you back. A lot"

Oh that statement defiently killed every cell in my body. I took a deep breath and I listened on. I literally can't believe that he just said.

Every gay cell in my body held a party and rainbows and unicorns started to fly around  in my tummy.

"And every word and insult and action I did towards you really hurt me. Because I saw you hurt. And me being someone who never actually liked guys. I was very confused at first why I felt this way for you. I don't know if it was because you look so beautiful....or because whenever I see you, you're being so kind to others and you always have a smile. You're basically the light in my life. But I was scared my darkness would take over your light. You know like a black hole? But today, it actually turned out your light was way to bright for this dark soul of mine. And I'm so fucking grateful it is. So...before we perhaps  die today. Will you be my first ever boyfriend?"

And with that my heart raced even more. Turns out it was a heart attack and I died.

5 days later
Austin's P.O.V

"He was the best boyfriend I had in those few seconds I had him" I cried into the mic at Dawson's funeral while his mom patted my back

I came back to reality and at this time Austin thought he broke me.

"Hello? Earth to Dawson. Are you dead?" He asked waving his hands in front of my face and I snapped back

"Yea sorry" I spoke with a smile, I was basically beaming, my skin was gleaming, the way it shine, I know he see it "Well. Yes"

He breathed out in relief with a smile and grabbed my hands. Cuffing it in mine.

Wow this is actually real.

"I seriously don't have words for this" I said still smiling like a freak "But just know I heard you and forgive you for all your shit you gave me. This right here makes up for everything, literally"

"Great" He breathed again and before I could even comprehend what was happening he ended up kissing me.

My breathing stopped and I kissed him back. He tasted so well. And his lips were so soft and gentle. His tongue explored my mouth and we took turns biting and sucking each others lips and it was honestly a dream come true.

It then escalated and I ended up grabbing his belt. This was possibly my last day on earth and I wanted to loose my virginity today. And it seemed Austin didn't mind. He slowly layed onto the ground with me still kissing him and I begun unbottoming his pants.

My hands were searching for his dick because I heard rumours of how big it was and sometimes during gym class I would see it flopping in his gym shorts and oh my God the days I went home and dreamt of his thing just inside me. I needed it now

With his pants and underwear fully off I gripped his dick and my mind exploded at his size. My mouth even gasped.

"Bigger than you imagined?" He asked smirking cockily

"So much more" I replied and dived in for another kiss

After that the next 20 minutes were so magical. He was so careful and caring and we even cried during it. And not that weird BIG scandalous crying. It was intimate. I guess we realized it was our last day on Earth and I guess events of this whole day just got to us. And it was so helpful to me. It felt so good.

He felt so good.

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