chapter 5: fight for white.

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We ended up freeing Kevin without anyone else getting hurt or killed but helping him also moved our time down to 9 minutes.

When you're fighting for your life time really goes fast.

Wait, that's a lie. Whenever I watch a horror movie it's forever night time and the sun only comes out once the killer is dead. So...time is actually shit slow.

We made a little holder thing for Kevin's arm using one of Ryan's sleeves and we put some pressure on the wound by using another one of Ryan's sleeves. It wasn't much but it "helped", according to Kevin.

As for Seth, he was still knocked out cold. He still layed in the place I put him. Nobody bothered touching the "filth" that he was. Try and deny it. You can't.

We were about to commence with the plan of getting the flags before time ran out but that plan sadly went on hold as everyone made their way back from the principles office. Some seemed frustrated, angry and others crying and nervous.

"Seth!?!?" Andy shouted in terror spotting his bitch of a boyfriend laying on the floor, probably thinking he was dead. "Seth!? What the fuck happened?" He asked with a  concern tone looking at everyone but stopping at me

Nobody bothered to answer as Seth begun to move and wake up.

"Oh my God. Thank God!" Andy freaked taking in a breath of relief

"We don't have time for this. We have about 7 minutes left" I said sternly ignoring the little reunion happening below us

"But we found no clue in that fucking principles office except a dead principle" Jasper stated brushing his hands through his hair was frustration

As Jasper said that my eyes caught as Ariah, Austin and Derek ran off without anyone noticing.

They were on there way to get the flags. They better get here before someone begins to notice. Especially Seth. He'll make a whole situation out of this.

"We just need to keep looking. Did perhaps think of looking in between the principles guts? Maybe the answer layed in between his guts" I said trying my best for them to go back there.

Everyone looked at each other thinking that I actually might be onto something but then Seth opened his big mouth.

"His lieing" He said as be begun to stand up again checking his nose for blood "If you haven't noticed. Austin, Ariah and Derek are missing. Why? Because they made there way to get the flags. They were planning to save the art class and detention learners. And just kill everyone in the prom committee"

"What!?" All 3 students shouted in horror looking at me

"Look, y'all are a small group. And not to be rude but there's already 2 weak people in this group. Mentally and physically" I said remarking the 2 girls that were friends with Emily "And we need a big group with actual smart and muscled people so we can survive and find a way out"

"And so they just die?" Seth asked almost seeming hurt at what I just said

"If it comes to it yes. And you know for a fact if you weren't dating Andy, you'd agree with my idea  100% right now"

Seth looked down in shame and Andy looked at him with a bit of disappointment.

"But you can't just....kill us. We aren't just some object or animal!" One of Emily's friend's shouted

"Correction you are an animal. Also, it's survival and when it's comes to surviving animals will do anything to end up victorious" I stated and the hallway immediately grew with a huge amount of tension

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