chapter 4: heartbreak on a dead fuck.

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Heavy breathing grew loud as everyone begun doing it out of pure terror. We didn't know what to do or what the fuck to think.

I stared around the group of people and recognised some familiar faces. Including my fucking friend, Ariah. She was part of the art & drama class. But I thought she wasn't going to art class today due to her little sister that was sick at home. She was suppose to take care of her after school since her mom was at work. Don't worry while she was at school her neighbor babysitted her 10 year old look a like.

"Ariah!?" I said shockily seeing my friend in fucked up state

Her head shot towards me as she recognized my face. Her face grew somewhat happy and shocked and she immediately whisper-shouted my name flinging herself onto me as we hugged each other and cried for a bit.

"Oh my fucking God Dawson. What the fuck are you doing here?! What...class are you apart of?" She asked almost confusing herself.

She knew I wasn't apart of some dumb prom committee especially with Seth's new boyfriend in it. But I know she couldn't fathom that I actually might be apart of the detention learners

"Oh I'm part of the detention learners" I said somewhat disappointed in myself

"What?! What did you do? Expose that cute little rainbow of yours?" She joked with a little smile still crying

She was also such a light. Especially in such dark times.

"Yea. I exposed a bit to much of my rainbow to Miss Monroe and then I got sent to detention after school. But why the fuck are you here??! Aren't you suppose to be at home? Safe and sound" I asked wiping my wet cheek as the tears gave me a bit of a tickle

Her eyes looked down in sadness as she realized she could've been at home. Looking after her little sister instead of being here fighting for her poor life.

"I was yea. I was actually planning on going home, but I had to first explain to Mr. Yuzar why I couldn't and I didn't tell him earlier in the day because I didn't see him and I was also busy with work and I assumed I would have time after school...but before I knew it I blacked out and then I woke up to this horror fest" She explained with such pain that I couldn't help but hug her again as we cried for a bit

"What do we do? Just follow his rules again?" Derek, a dude from art class, spoke. He was also a part time football player, so he was a little taller and buffer than everyone. Very good looking.

"I say fuck that shit. If his talking from the intercom that means his in the principles office. Why don't we pay his ass a visit!?" Austin said with cockiness and almost everyone agreed saying a slight "Yes" or a small cheer, except me and Ariah.

"Now let us go fuck up this bitch. Guys y'all can come with me. Except the little fairies and face fuck. Girls you can stay here. But we expect a reward when we come back" Austin smirked with laugh.

I see the old jerk was back. At times like this I wished his head exploded except Adam or that poor girl that I didn't even know by name.

"Fuck you bitch" Ariah spat standing up for me

"And fuck that shit about girls staying. I'm coming with" Amber spoke with revenge on her tongue. She seemed like she needed to beat up a bitch. And that man was right on top of her list

"Ok miss Amber. Let's go fuckers" Austin demanded as Derek, Amber, the african-american boy from our so called team, Charles & Jasper from Art class ran after him ready to seek revenge

I was somewhat hoping they actually found the fucker and killed him. Or at least hurt him so I can look him in the eyes and hit him across the face also.

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