chapter 3: mental testing.

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"Attention, attention all participants"

7 appeared back onto the intercom when everything "calmed" down.

Everyone was in a state. Emily's crying grew  even more after what she just witnessed. She was right next to that girl.

Austin sat against the teachers desk staring to the bloody floor as pieces of his friend and that girl was spread across the room. I don't know if he was in that state because he lost a "friend" or just because he saw someone's head explode.

Me on the other hand couldn't get Adam's face out of my head.

The moment he realized he was about to die couldn't get out of my head. I wanted to rip my brain apart and take that piece of sight out of my system but I knew it was impossible. Kevin was seated next to me on the floor with his hand on my back. Turns out he was the one who tackled me. Which is weird since his so small and I was way taller and "bigger" that him.

Ryan, sat behind in the classroom with his head burried in his hands as he also cried silently. I could only imagine how he felt. Adam was truly his bestie. They were complete assholes but nobody deserves to loose their best friend like that. In such a horrid way.

"Sorry for the slight timing. Our little machine malfunctioned that's why our little surprise came 1 minute later"  He said with a small snicker at the end

"A quick body count before we continue. Art class, 5. Newspaper class, none sadly. They were just 2 useless participants actually. Prom committee, 4. And the detention class, 8. All of those numbers would've been 1 person less if you guys just did....what...I...told you. But now that you guys know I'm serious let's begin the next game shall we?"

With that last sentence everyone looked in terror. We didn't want to continue. We wanted to go home!

"Ok. Let's begin. This one is very short and sweet....In order to open the door here's a little riddle: THE KEY IS IMBEDDED THROUGH A BLOODY SYSTEM. LOOK DEEP. FINGERS DEEPER. Nice riddle right? I think so too.....If you're not able to solve this riddle one of you will die. Also, there are no so called shooters that exploded all your heads off. While you were all blacked out we put in a small chip in the back of your neck that simply explodes your head off. And if we see anyone try and remove it we will kill you also. You will have 5 minutes to complete this task. And it begins now"


Everyone except Emily and Ryan jumped up from the floor as we tried to decipher this riddle.

"No no no. I can't do this" Emily cried out quietly trying to wipe her tears but more came "I just wanna go home"

Oh how I keep repeating that in my head.

I would trade anything right now to be out of this shit hole and at home with my mom arguing with me about my dirty laundry or some stupid shit. I just needed that. That is all I ask.

"Can we just solve this riddle and get the fuck out!?" Ryan said with a quick sniff of his nose and a wipe of his eyes as he stood up with determination

I think this was the first time I saw Ryan actually serious. He was usually goofy and always had a stupid smirk on his face. Now he was filled with anger and sadness.

"Ok anyone who's good at solving riddles?" Amber frowned starring between everyone in the classroom

And since most of everyone in this room were one of those "bad" type of people in school that never actually learn or read everyone turned to me. Even Amber. I for sure thought Amber would be more helpful. She looked like those normal kids in school who sit at home reading a good book on Wattpad or some shit.

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