chapter 2: boom boom.

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and I immediately felt a pain in the back of my neck thus making a growl leave my mouth as I slowly lifted my body off the cold floor.

When I was completely able to stand up straight I took a look at my surrounds and realised I was still in detention. And that's when I remembered the guy on the intercom and I immediately begun to panic. I once again looked at the time and it read 19:39.

Holy fuck.

How long were we out?

The intercom went on once more and the man's voice followed seeming more darker and deeper this time.

"3, 2, 1" Was all he said before the school bell rang and the clock hit 19:40.

20 minutes.

He said we had 20 minutes to kill someone or two people die.

"What the fuck do we do!!?" Emily, one of those popular girls, cried out from behind me. Her eyes were landed on me. Expecting me to give her the answers

"I-I don't know" I stuttered out of complete fear

"You can't expect a fag to have answers Em. I'm here" Austin walked past me with a smirk as he made his way to Emily to give her an "intimate" hug but she pushed him away "Plus this is probably all a joke. Don't worry about it" He smiled looking between her and me

When the fuck did he come back? I thought he left?

"Oh, so that creepy dude and the sleeping gas shit was all a joke?" Kevin, a dude I get Bio with, argued standing next to me. Austin's face grew annoyed and fully turned to me and Kevin

"Look here fucked up face. This. Isn't. Real. The only real thing is how ugly for face looks. Guess your mommy wasn't strong enough to keep you in for the whole 9 months" Austin spoke making an insult to Kevin he was a premature baby that had Down-Syndrome. Which was totally uncalled for!

"Hey. What the fuck is your problem? Leave him alone you piece of shit. We literally have bigger problems now. Now, I'm sorry if  there's nobody important waiting at home for you but I actually have a mother and father who loves me that are probably worrying sick right now, the same with Kevin. And I plan on making it safe home. So can you chill for like 2 seconds and come back down to planet earth and off your high horse and help us who are actually freaking out. Because we need a plan and if we actually have to kill someone to survive I would suggest you or maybe your other 2 bitches unless y'all actually help us and then we all survive and you can go back to being an asshole. Ok?"

I took a deep breath in as I finished my little speech I gave to him and I watched as his face swam with a mix of emotions.

He seemed annoyed, but understanding. He also seemed like he was about to punch my face in but all he did was walk pass me, purposely smashing his shoulder into mine,  making his way to the classroom door and begun trying to knock the door down. He even called his 2 bitches, Ryan & Adam for a bit of help.

"Thank you" I heard Kevin whisper to me as we watched them try to kick the door down

"Oh no problem" I slightly smiled taking in a deep breath because it felt so good to put Austin in his place, for now though.

The time hit 19:58 and the door still couldn't open....or even break. We were stuck and there was only 2 minutes left. I really didn't want to know if what that man said was true. With every second my mind filled with fear and panick. I didn't want to die. It is my senior year. I'm 18 and I haven't even lost my virginity. And I haven't even had an actual boyfriend. I can't die like this. With such a sad life.

"Fuck! This isn't working" Seth, my so called ex-boyfriend I just spoke about, groaned with annoyance as he gave the door one last slam before giving up and falling to the floor

"Yea and the fucking windows are covered with a metal thing" Amber, a pretty normal student I get History with, spoke banging against the steel frames that were placed behind the windows while we were probably alseep.

"Fuck I can't take this!" Emily screamed as she walked up and down the classroom which seemed much bigger now since we moved the chairs and tables to the side of the classroom "There is literally 1 minute left and after that they're probably going to come barging in here killing 2 of us!" She continued to rant

"We don't know that Emily" I said with a bit of a sigh, due to her being so emotional but also because I spent about 4 minutes trying to break the door down and I needed a break

"Yea stop being so emotional. You're so not hot when you're all crying and shit" Austin said with a cringed looking at Emily who cried ever since she woke up. Her hair was in volumes and most of her eye makeup was smeared.

"Fuck you" She snarled as she sat next to another student I didn't know the name of, who was also in a crying state

My eyes averted to the time again and it was still 19:59. Austin ran a hand through his brown curly locks and locked eyes with the time also.


"Guys..." Austin spoke with suspense making everyone land their eyes on the clock

"Oh my God" Another male student behind me breathed out softly that I think I only heard him

"Adam, Ryan barricade the door. Just incase those fucks come in" Austin ordered his 2 minions with the snap of his fingers. We all waited in suspense as the time showed 20:00 the entire time. At one point I believed nothing would actual come. And at another point I wanted to cry.

After Ryan and Adam finished barricading the door they joined everyone as we all stood looking at the time.

I could only imagine how stupid we must've  looked standing there looking at the clock with tears in our eyes.


A couple of people sighed with relief and I have to admit I was one of them. It passed 8 p.m.

Does that mean we're save?

"Well guys, I guess it was all some stupid jo-"

Austin was cut off with his words and his smirk when the girl that was seated next to Emily begun screaming bloody murder. It came through so loud everyone jumped at her sudden painful scream. What the fuck was wrong with her?

Before anyone could get to her, her head immediately exploded sending bits and pieces of her blood and flesh flying across the room resulting in everyone screaming as well and some even shouting that there  was shooter.

In my hurried vision I tried spotting for a shooter but before I knew it someone tackled me to the ground and hid me and themselves under a desk.

Through everyone screaming my ears landed on Adam who was at the classroom door. His scream was different to the others. It was more painful and more like the girl that was seated next to Emily who's body was now without a head and lying lifeless on the ground.

Adam reached for the back of his head in a crying pain and for about a second his face shaped into horror before his head also exploded and I immediately shouted at the horror that just displayed in front of me.

What the FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!?

The Hollow Games (#1: High School)Where stories live. Discover now