chapter 8: surprise motherfucker.

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This is the final chapter. I can't believe i actually finished this book.
I hope y'all enjoyed it. My writing skills aren't as phenomenal as most of these AMAZING writers on this app but I'm just glad to be in the mix.
If you read this book thank you. Plz share and like and comment or what ever. And please enjoy this last chapter.
Also note there will be an epilogue to this book. And yea, love y'all
30 minutes

We layed on the floor talking about each others lives for about 10 minutes seeming like we were not about to die in about 30 minutes.

Austin chuckled at my statement about my childhood and then said "I hoped that crazed fuck didn't watch us just now. He probably jerked himself off. Gay or not gay. Our shit must've looked phenomenal"

I just bursted out laughing at his comment and the enthusiasm he put behind it. It was everything.

"It felt phenomenal also. And still feels phenomenal" I smirked referring to my asshole that was literally pounding. It was so sore I had to lay on my side to ease the pain "He must've had a good time seeing....all of this" I said moving my arm and hand up and down my body like I was displaying my body

"Who wouldn't" Austin stated coming in for another kiss and I kissed him back

My brain then did that thing where it thinks.

This time it thought of something that actually made my gasp. I broke my kiss from Austin and stood up wincing in pain a little at the pain in my bottom.

I then looked up in every corner of the room and asked Austin a question: "Are there surveillance camera's in this room?"

"No, they never thought of putting here because this part of the school is hardly used. Unless you want to do drugs or have se-"

"Yea I get it" I cut him off with a small smirk before getting back to the point "So this dude,7, is using our surveillance camera's to spy on us and see if we actually do these challenges. And as you know the surveillance camera's are in the principles office yet he wasn't there. So that means he hacked his way in. So his somewhere outside, but that's not the point. As you saw, there were much more camera's installed while we were blacked out, and spears and black flags were even put in every locker and they somehow also got a key inside Adam. BUT! they didn't put camera's in here" I spoke with so much excitement I tried to contain it because I didn't want to seem to excited and then things go into shit

"How do you know there's no camera's in here?" He asked a bit confused at my rant

"Because I'd be dead by now there were" I smiled

Austin grew even more confused.

"Look, while we were blacked out they even put chips inside of us that explodes our head if we fail a challenge or try to take it out by ourselves. And he said, if he sees us trying to remove the chip we'd die..."

"And since there's no fucking camera's in here he won't be able to see us take it out!" Austin shouted in a particular that was to loud for everyone to hear "Oh My Fucking God you smart son of a bitch!" He jumped up running to kiss and hug me

I could only imagine how weird it looked seeing two naked guys hugging each other.

"But wait, what if the chip has a sensing thing on and they can like see if we try to remove it" He asked dimming the mood a bit

"Well then we hope he isn't that smart" I sighed a bit frustrated at how he dimmed my beautiful plan

"A glass half full kinda guy huh?" He asked with a chuckle

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