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His hair was pulled back in a tidy knot at the crown of his head and he looked extremely handsome in the dark fitted suit he was wearing.  He looked really good, though she could see the toll everything had been taking on him as he got closer.

Used to his warm smile that usually crinkled the skin near his eyes, she felt her heart lurch as his expression remained stoic, and without thinking she reached out as he neared and put her arms around him.

He lightly put one arm around her, keeping a bit of distance between them as he accepted her condolences.

"I'm so sorry," she said quietly as he pulled away, and as she saw him struggle to even look at her she could hardly stand it.  "I shouldn't have come.  Emily said your mom wanted me to come, but I didn't want to upset you."

"Don't worry, we appreciate you coming.  I know how difficult this is for you, aside from recent shit."

She nodded as he looked across the street absentmindedly.

"What happened?"

"Heart attack.  He had insurance so Mom's taken care of with paying off the house, things like that, but losing the love of your life..."

She bit her lip hard, feeling terrible for the both of them, and she hadn't missed his double meaning.

"Anyway, why don't you come inside.  No one will ask any questions."

"What did you tell them?" she asked as he started to turn and go back inside. 

He paused, turning back to look at her with a pained expression.

"They called and asked how you were in conversation the night after we split up.  I just told them things weren't working out.  They dropped it and now here we are.  It's not a big deal.  Everyone's focused on other things so you won't be made to feel uncomfortable."

"I know it's not about me.  I just don't want this to be worse for you."

"How could it be any worse?" he asked quietly and turned to walk in.

She followed him, her heart aching to comfort him.  She knew her presence wasn't helping but she was here now and there was nothing she could do.  He held the door for her to pass through.

"Standing room only," he leaned in, quietly speaking in her ear.  "So if your feet start hurting, you can slip your shoes off while you're here.  Service is in a couple of hours."

As he leaned away, she caught a whiff of his cologne as the air between them stirred with his movement. 

"Hermione," his mother said fondly, holding out her arms.

She walked towards her, hugging her tightly in the middle of what had been a very happy living room the last time she'd been there.  She didn't care who was watching or what they thought of her.  Mary wasn't letting her go and she wasn't hurrying her along.

"I'm so glad to see you," she pressed her lips to Hermione's ear, speaking only so that she could hear her words.  "I want to talk to you before you leave today, so promise me you won't go until we talk after the service."

"I promise."

"Stay for dinner afterward at the restaurant and then come back here afterward this evening.  You and I can talk and then you can head back to the city."

She sensed that Mary wanted to see if things could be repaired between her and James or maybe discover what had gone wrong. She really didn't want to put James in that position but she wasn't going to be the one to refuse Mary anything today.  Whatever she could do for her, she would.

The Heart Wants What It Wants: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now