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She found some clothes that made her feel sexier and better about herself than the old ones she'd been wearing for a few years. She'd been needing to go shopping for a while now and
it had turned out to be a good distraction.

Not only did she feel better about herself but she'd been able to take her mind off of James for a while.

She'd put her things up and asked the girl at the front desk for recommendations for a place to get her hair done.

She'd given her the name of a shop, and after showing up and pleading to be squeezed in, she's walked out of there two hours later feeling even more invigorated.

The girl had given her a straightening treatment that had tamed her wild curls, giving her a new look for the first time in her life.  It had been worth every pound.

She could hardly believe the woman in the mirror was herself.  She didn't even care whether James or Draco approved. She liked it.

As it turned out, Draco was very complimentary.  He'd admitted to liking her curls just fine, but he liked how happy the straightening job had made her.  After their call, she felt better than she had in a few days.

Instead of spending another night alone at the hotel, heating up a can of soup or skipping dinner completely, she decided to leave and take herself out to dinner.  She pulled on a new pair of jeans that fit better than her older ones and a black fitted T-shirt she'd picked out. The low v-neck was flattering and made her feel sexy for a change.

She also changed into a new pair of black Converse, since her white ones were so old that the sides were cracking and pulling away from the canvas.

Between her new clothes and her new hair, somehow she had the shot in the arm she'd been needing: a gesture of self-care.

The tables at the pub she'd chosen were all taken but there were a couple of stools open at the bar. Hanging her bag over the back of the barstool she waited for the bartender to come her way.

As she was waiting her phone buzzed in her pocket.

If you want to come by tonight we can talk about the work you want done.

She felt an annoyance creep over her.  After this morning's awkward and reluctant conversation about it and all of the hours in between then and now...now he messages about it?

You did hang up on him, she reminded herself.

Thanks to the mood boost she'd gotten today, she felt a little less desperate to immediately return his text.  Putting her phone back in her pocket, she decided if he wanted space maybe she should give him some space.

It was gumption, and it had been eluding her for the past few years.

And it felt good.

She loved him, without a doubt, but their dynamic lately had been toxic. She deserved to be happy too and her efforts didn't seem to be improving the situation anyway. 

The bartender finally came over and apologized for the delay, and asked what she wanted to drink.  She ordered a pint and watched as he expertly poured it, leaving almost no foam as he tilted the glass.  He sat it down in front of her and left her a menu, leaving her a moment to skim through it to see what sounded good.  When he returned a couple of minutes later she ordered a burger and chips, earning an appreciative smile from the guy.

The Heart Wants What It Wants: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now