02 😊

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"Well I was trying to type in your number but I didn't type in the right one!" Said Namjoon when he was outside the school gates, about to walk home talking to Taehyung ( also joined by Jungkook and  Hoseok)

Taehyung shrugged. "Well I guess you guys should've exchanged when you where together." Said Jungkook looking between the two boys while Hoseok just stood there smiling for no reason at all.

" I don't mind though because i met this person named Jin and they're really nice. " Everyone 'oohed' while Namjoon remembered that he didn't even know what gender the person was.

He took a guess that it was boy. He wanted to mess around with them and see what could happen. Plus he didn't mind if it was a female either (him being bi he obviously didn't mind, yes he had a thing for Jin already).

"Just give me your phone and then i can walk home and everyone else can too." Said Taehyung taking Namjoons' phone and typing his number into it.

He handed it back to him and they all said goodbye. Namjoon started to walk to his apartment while listening to music. Also thinking about texting the boy or girl , Jin.


Hi Jinnie I need to ask you something

Why are you even texting me anyways?

Are you a boy or a girl??

Why should i tell you..?


Because i want to get to know youuuu ❤

A boy and what about you?

I'm a boy too ❤

So many hearts GEEZ 🙉

I love you too

I didn't say i love you

Omg ;(

I'm sorry Namjoon but i don't really know you... So i don't know how i can love you back rn 💁

Rn? Oohh so soon? 😲

Please stop texting me I'm trying to do homework rn maybe we can talk later? 😊

ok Jinnie make sure you get good grades! ❤

Thanks Namjoon bye 👋

Bye bye! ❤

Namjoon turned his phone of and started to watch a Disney movie on loop. The movie was Mary Poppins returns. (A/N: IDK LMAO)

He couldn't get enough of the songs. But he had probably got enough because after 20 minutes he had fell asleep.


Btw i know the story cover is blurry I'm working on it uWu.

But i hope you like this and tbh this is for fun.

Bye ^•^

𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now