20 😢

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Namjoon walked down the halls to the spare room , he made dinner for them both. It wasn't much just pizza and fries. Namjoon wasn't the best at cooking so it was all he could ever do.

"Jin... Uh I made dinner! it'snotthatgreatbecauseimnotgoodatcookingimsosorryiwish-" "Namjoon!" Jin chuckled. "I don't mind what it is or if it's bad , I'll still eat it! C'mon!" Jin ran into the open plan kitchen , living room and dining room and sat down at the table where Namjoon had placed the dinner he had made , Namjoon followed closely behind.

Jin sat wide eyed at the dinner placed in front of him. "I loveee pizza!~" Jin sing-songed as he dug in. Namjoon couldn't help laugh at the olders cuteness. There was an awkward silence as they ate their food. Namjoon wanted to break the silence so.. He did!

"So uhh.. Why did you call me baby earlier?" Jin looked up and blushed , he looked back down and smiled. "Is that a problem?" Namjoon went to the sink and placed his plate in and walked to his couch. "Uh i just wanted to know why." Jin followed Namjoons actions by putting his plate in the sink and sitting down beside Namjoon.

"WAIT! IT'S BECAUSE YOU LIKE ME!~" Namjoon stood up and did a silly dance which made Jin laugh. " well I'm tired Namjoon so... Uh I'll go to bed! "Jin was going to leave but before he could do so he pulled back by Namjoon.

" Tell me if you like me! " Namjoon begged. He really did like Jin and you could tell. "No! I'm going to bed now!!" Jin ran away from Namjoon and Namjoon chased after him. Jin couldn't lock the doors and didn't think about where he was running and then he was in Namjoons room.

He was shocked. There was ryan bear everywhere! Jin started to laugh and threw himself on Namjoons' bed. Namjoon came in and seen him , he knew it was about his beloved ryan bear. "W-what?! It's just ryan bear!" Jin looked at Namjoon and started to laugh even more. Namjoons face was too funny.

"We-well! First off , i-it's so , so cute! Second of all it's cuter with you with him! And third of all you sleep here every night! S-so it is two times cuter!" Jin said laughing inbetween each word. Namjoon blushed , he had just called him cute?! He decided to go with his gut feeling.

"YOU DO HAVE A CRUSH ON ME YOU CALLED ME CUTEEE~~" Namjoon sang. Jin shrugged and got up. He had one last look a Namjoons' room. To it's ryan bear sheet covers , pillows , stuffies , posters , carpet and collectibles , it was definitely ryan bear paradise.

After realizing Namjoons song he looked and Namjoon and smiled. He was about to leave before he looked back and seen Namjoon looking at him with his dimples on display. Cutie Jin thought. Then he said what his gut was telling him to say.

"Maybe I do have a crush on you... You never know"


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now