15 😑

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Jins' Father had left him at the front of the boarding school , which of course he wasn't going to. He had to make sure to sneak out of the gates at the front without being seen.

He rolled his luggage out of the gate , creeping down to make sure he wasn't in view. When he got out he leant against the wall in the street and took his phone out of his pocket. He checked his phone to see what Namjoons' address was and made his way to the apartment complex.

He was kinda nervous to meet Namjoon again. He had developed a crush on the younger boy and he didn't know what to do about it. He knew Namjoon liked him so that meant they both liked each other? Jin smiled to himself as he thought about it but he didn't really know why.


Jin reached Namjoons' apartment floor and walked down the halls to find his room. Finally he had found it and knocked the door slowly. He bit his lip , he was actually nervous?

Well he had been texting him for a while and he had met him for a short amount of time but this time he was staying over. He waited a couple of seconds before he heard footsteps coming closer to the door , the noise becoming louder.

He waited for it to opened and when it did he got attacked into a hug. The hug was warm and it felt loving. He didn't know how to feel so he stood on the spot like he was frozen.

"Jinnie? It was just a hug , come in!" Jin clicked out of it and walked inside. Namjoons' apartment was cosy and warm , it had a winter feeling , like when it's winter and you're inside in the warmth. It was a nice apartment , that's exactly what it was.

"Oh Namjoon thank you for letting me stay but where do I sleep?" Jin looked around and then back and Namjoon who was still smiling at him. He was such a smiley boy. "Namjoon your dimples are killing me , they're so cute!" He hadn't thought about what he had said and when he realised he slapped his mouth with his hand. He blushed behind his hand.

" ooh~ Jinnie is blushing! " Namjoon teased. "Stop teasing me!" Jin pouted. Namjoon smiled wider than before. " Cutie. " He mumbled under his breath , just loud enough for Jin to here. "What was that?" Jin said and he batted his eyelashes at Namjoon with innocence. "Cutie." He said like it wasn't a big deal. Jins' heart was pounding .

"I- I'm not cute , you are!" Namjoon shook his head. "Whatever , but you're still the cutest." Jin sighed. " whatever you say , so where do I sleep? " Namjoons' mouth went into and circular shape as if he was saying 'ohh'. "Ah! Sorry come one I'll show you!" Namjoon walked down the hall and opened the door , Jin followed and stepped inside. " I'll let you settle down in here and I'll make dinner. " Jin knitted his eyebrows together. "You cook?" Namjoon nodded. "Well I'm not that good but I keep trying ever since I started to live on my own. " His eyes started to water. "When my Parents died I moved here , i got it for free because my uncle owns this place so I'm really grateful." Jin nodded , he understood how it felt to lose one or two of your parents , Jin had lost his Mother when he was young but he never knew if she died or if she just left.

" Namjoon I'll cook dinner! I'm really great at it! " Namjoon shook his hands no. "You're the guest so I'll make it!" Jin smiled and sat on the bed that was sat in the corner of the room.

" Fine then , baby. "


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now