10 😇

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Cringe warning i think???


"No! Ouch! AHH!" Jin screamed as his dad continued hitting him with his belt anywhere he could. He left bruises and bruises around Jins' body. The bruises where purple and they looked horrible.

"I can't believe my Son is gay! How dare you I'm kicking you out sooner or later and you won't be coming back EVER AGAIN!" Said Jins' Father while Jin screamed only slightly hearing what his so called ' Father' said. "Why ouch! Would y-you care anyways!?" Screamed Jin , still getting hit by his Father .

Why would his drunk Father care if he was gay or not? He abused Jin like this everyday it didn't look like he cared.

His Father was always drunk since Jins' Mother left them. His Father had been devastated that his Wife had left him for another Man. Ever since then he took out his anger by abusing Jin. It was his stress reliever.

Jin hated this. He actually wanted to get kicked out , he wanted to move away with his friends; but they had already left. He had no where to go.

"Finally I got lots of tears come out of your eyes you deserve this abuse and if you tell anyone about this at school You'll see what I'll do." He left Jins' room and left Jin lying on his bed shaking by the event that had just placed.

He wanted to die.

He quietly sobbed , almost falling asleep then realising that he could talk to Namjoon. He felt happy when talking to him. It was the only thing keeping him alive right now.


So this is where Jin was now. About to go text Namjoon. He wanted to tell Namjoon everything seeing as he was the only person that he could really trust. He knew he that he had only met him for a very short amount of time but he was one of those amazing people that you could trust in any situation.

He wiped his tears , lifted his phone and and turned it on. He quickly checked his notifications' to see that Namjoon had sent him messages.



Did your Father do anything to you?! 😰

You where gone for a while when he texted me

Please tell me I'm worried about you ❤

Jin read the messages over and over again he knew he could trust Namjoon. He was too nice. But he realised he didn't know what he looked like and he didn't really know him well.

He needed to tell someone and Namjoon was the only one to keep him away from death. He needed too tell him. He was the only one.

He decided it would had been best if he told someone so he started to text him.


He did do something Namjoon I'm shaking and my eyes are all watery

He's been abusing me because I'm gay and he's said he is going to kick me out

I don't know what to do Namjoon 😭

Omg where is he

He better put his hands up! How dare he abuse my Jinnie?!

𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now