06 😃

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Namjoon came home from school. I know again... But anyways the school day was boring. Teachers saying blah blah blah. Namjoon getting extra homework for saying some very rude things in English class and much more.

Ever since he called Jin prince the night before Jin hadn't texted back. Namjoon just figured that he had been shocked by the nickname or something like that , which was actually quite right.


Alright , Prince 😉

Jin sat in his dark room while his Father went out to drink looking at the text Namjoon had sent. He didn't know how to reply so he left it on seen.

"Wow he really does like me" he mumbled to himself. Then an idea came to his head. "I'll ask Baekhyun what to say." He said and quickly started to text him.


Queen 👑:
Baekhyun i need your help

Please stop packing up for moving away for just an emergency

Queen 👑:
It's important!

Baekhyunie 😇:
oh Jin! What's up?

Queen 👑:
It's the boy I told you I have been texting

Queen 👑:
Idk how to reply to what he said

Baekyungie 😇:
Alright I'll help

Baekyungie 😇:
But first do you have a crush on this guy?

Queen 👑:
No he's my friend but he likes me

Queen 👑:
He sent

Queen 👑:
He said: Alright , Prince 😉

Baekyhyungie 😇:
Oh hmm...

Baehyungie 😇:
I'm sorry Jin I have to go I'll help you tomorrow i promise! Love ya bro! 💗

Queen 👑:
Alright then


Jin sighed he would just have to wait till tomorrow. 'but what if he think I'm not going to talk to him anymore? ' he thought. He shook the thoughts out of his head and switched his phone of to leave his room pitch black.

He went to sleep thinking of what Namjoon had said.


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now