12 😉

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Namjoon stepped out of his car and walked up to the door of Taehyungs' house where the unbelievable xbox funeral was being placed. He reached his hand up yo the bell and it rang.


He waited a minute until a short-ish man opened the door. Seeing as he was short it was a surprise that it wasn't Jimin who opened the it with a smile. Well his smiled looked kind forced.

"Hello I'm Yoongi come on in." The boy said opening the door wider for Namjoon to come in. So this is the Yoongi guy Jimin was talking about! Thought Namjoon as he stepped inside and started to walk into the back garden where it was being held , Yoongi following behind him yawning .

When he got outside he seen a big bit of the dirt had became a big hole for the xbox to fit into. As he stepped outside he seen Taehyung run up to him. Dressed in black like everyone else , including Namjoon.

"Hello Namjoon welcome to the funeral , we have got tea and biscuits over there." He pointed at the table , Namjoon looked to where he was pointing and seen someone looking at him shocked.

It took him a minute to realise who it was and when he seen them clearly he ran away into Taehyungs' house as quick as he could. He knew Taehyung was friends with him but he didn't know he would be coming to the funeral.

He ran to one of the rooms upstairs just to be followed by the boy which was Jin or Jinnie as Namjoon had typed into his phone when he was sitting on his bed all those nights.

"Joonie? Is that really you?" Jin said squinting his eyes at Namjoon when he had caught him. " why did you run?! We have finally met! " Jins' voice was soothing to Namjoons' ears , it was very nice. Namjoon would probably listen to it when he went to sleep , if he could.

Jin attacked him into a hug which he wasn't expecting. "I can't believe it's you! Now talk i want to hear you speak." Namjoon smiled at Jin warmly , he finally met his online crush. "Hello Jin!" Namjoon said as he laughed a little bit , Jin joining him.

Jin looked really happy , Namjoon could tell by the look in his eyes. "Maybe we should go down to the garden or else they'll think something's happening up here." Namjoon said as he started walking back down the stairs. Jin followed him , humming a song.

When they got back down the ceremony was about to start. Namjoon nearly cried , his poor xbox. Taehyung went to stand new to the grave. The xbox still wasn't buried , it was Namjoons' job to do that.

Namjoon hadn't realized he had been crying until he felt someone dap his cheek with a tissue. He looked over at Jin who was wiping away his tears and looked up at him and smiled.

"Namjoon come up and say what you got to say and also bury the xbox." Namjoon nodded and walked up to the xbox and bend down , he lifted it , put it in the hole , grabbed the shovel that was placed beside the gravestone , threw dirt on top and patted it down. It was done.

"Now say your speech." Said Taehyung while Namjoon bit his lip hard. He hadn't got anything to say. He just thought he would go with the flow.
He started when Taehyung nudged him for taking too long.

"I really loved you xbox.... Uh you where really powerful and if i... Had a bad day at school I'd always come home , chill and play over watch on you. You where ever so.... Kind? I don't know what I would do without you , but now you're gone." Namjoon was proud of himself for that speech. He did stop a few times but overall it was simple.

"Thank you , now it's my turn for my short speech." Taehyung said as he stood forward. he smiled at everyone and cleared his throat.

"You where amazing to me because you never left my side when Namjoon left you at my place , you where my friend and my xboxs' lover which he was grateful for , now every night my xbox cries for you and i do too. I know that I didn't own you but I did love you... R.I.P." Taehyung stood back again and everyone clapped. It was a sad moment for Namjoon and Taehyung. (Taehyung the most). Seeing as they where the only ones' who played on it the most. (Jimin and Jin also played).

"Now eveyone! Leave my house." Everyone started to leave the house. It was a short funeral for sure. Namjoon got back in his car and drove home. Thinking , again , about texting Jin.


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now