09 😆

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The tea really isn't scorching hot actually lmao


Namjoon wanted to see if Jins' Father would actually say anything to him or even text him. He had a feeling that his Father was cruel.

That cruel evil kind of guy.

It was just the way Jin had put things was the way he knew there was something that could possibly been happening with Jin and his Father.

He didn't have a good feeling about Jins' life at home.

But anyways he waited for the text. Or waiting for possibly no text at all. He remembered Jins' orders of not replying and thought a little bit harder about his Father looking through their conversations from the past few days.

Namjoon definitely seemed like he liked Jin in their convos and it occurred to him that Jins' Father could had been homophobic , but he quickly got those thoughts out of his head and waited.

Then he got the text.


Who are you?! And why are you calling my Son Prince?!

My son is a straight boy and you're not here to ruin him and turn him into a disgusting gay like you!

I don't care if you don't reply to the messages but remember not to text my Son again!

You dirty shit head


Namjoon read over what obviously was what Jins' Father had said. He had a homophobic ass trying to ruin the gays. 'Hah that won't happen.' Namjoon thought.

He Jin to explain all if this to him. He wanted to know why his Father had said he was apparently straight which was definitely wrong which he knew.

He didn't want Jin to get into trouble by texting him , but he couldn't go a day without texting him once.

He had to text him to not feel lonely when he was in his apartment and he knew Jin would feel lonely when all of his friends move away from the city.

Maybe Namjoon was his only friend right now? Or maybe even the only person he could turn to and be happy?

Namjoon didn't know about Jins' life behind the screen.

He didn't know his relationships behind the screen either.

The worst thing was that , he didn't know what was going on behind the screen or what was had happened to Jin all his life.

He didn't know how Jin was doing and he didn't know even what he looked like.

He wanted to know everything but he knew Jin wouldn't be comfortable with telling a practically stranger what was going on.

But oh Namjoon didn't want to know what was going on with Jin everyday at home.

.Not. At . All.


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now