41 😜 [END]

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Jins POV

It's  a year later from when i left Namjoon and went to live with my Grandma. I've still been in touch with Namjoon and we're still going strong.

I've  got a job now , i haven't became a singer yet but I've been saving up to buy a house in Seoul I'm thinking of letting Namjoon move in with me , it was a promise we had made a year ago.

When I move to Seoul I'm going to try to get into a entertainment company , well Yoongi's Dad's entertainment company. Namjoon and his other friends , well my friends to be exact now , that has one year left of school has dropped out so that we can become a band together.

I'm so excited.

I finally get to see Namjoon and the rest of the boys!

I'm going to go on the train now and I'm going to be going to Seoul. I'm just hoping i get in and I hope the boys get in too.


I finally made it to Seoul and I went to do my audition for the company. Everyone else got through and are in!

I just hope i do!


I finished my audition and I just needed to get my feedback. I met the boys again and we all cried for like forever I'm guessing they really missed me.

I got to see my boyfriend again after waiting for a whole year , I showered him with kisses as I waited.

I'm also very shocked because now both of my ships have sailed! Taekook and Yoonmin! They're both such cute couples i love it.

I finally got my feedback...

We all got in! We are so happy I'm hoping we make it big!

I have so many hopes this year.



We made our fucking debut as a band! Our name is BTS and we made a song named Blood , sweat and tears!

I can't believe it though! We made it really big! The money is already pouring in! I'm so happy. We grew so big so fast and we have a fandom name!


I wonder what the future will hold for us all!



BTS has became a success! Our fandom is so big and they're all nice and kind!

Namjoon and I are still dating as well as Taekook and Yoonmin though Hoseok is still mad at Taehyung for taking Jungkook but he deals with it.

Our lives are great!

I'm hoping I'll be friends with them forever , they're all my world and they are so amazing i don't know what i would do if I hadn't met any of them.

I wouldn't be away from my Father if it wasn't for Namjoon.

I wouldn't have had any friends if it wasn't for Namjoon.

I wouldn't have been able to form a band without any of them!

I thank them all for what they have done for me in the span of a year.

I'm never going to leave their sides again and I hope they never leave mine.


So! This is the end of this story! I hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
I know it might be a bad ending but what can I say?

I thank you for reading my story that I wrote for fun on a random day that I was bored.

Love you! 💞


𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛. 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖩𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now